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How to extract 3D position from the 2D projection using (an optimzation method + 3D Gaussian PDF)
@payam samadi, Good job by you to make a solid effort before asking for help on your homework. You are a good example. The p...
4 days ago | 0
Plot legend contours messed up
@dormant, Try the attached. Good luck. Edit: Update the script, as descirbed in my comment below.
5 days ago | 1
Max velocity on 1/3 octave band from Acceleration-Time data
@Gerald, I have been doing the same tyhing as @Mathieu NOE b ut not as quicjkly. One thing I noticed is that the line V_fft =...
7 days ago | 1
Solve equilibrium equations in MATLAB for a quadruped robot
@idan, The same problem arises in a simple example: compute the weight on each wheel of an automobile. If you assume the car, i...
8 days ago | 0
modulate delivers asynchronous result
@fabian hohmann, The result you observe is because the sampling rate (fsw in your code) is too low to support the extremes of m...
1 month ago | 0
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How to get Pressure Sensor Resistance Values
@Brian, You have not shared any code, so I am just guessing... Maybe you are using for loop to get the resistances and plot t...
1 month ago | 0
Trying to use audiorecorder for impulse response testing in a for loop
@Aditya, I do not have an Arduino, and the only audio devices are the built-in speakers and microphone on my PC. (I know they w...
1 month ago | 0
Handling Numerical Instability in Estimating Angle Between 2D Points
@Leo, [moved my comment to be an answer, which is what I intended] You are defining numerical instability as a discontinuity....
1 month ago | 1
Fit a standard exponential fit to approximate data
@Reji G, [Fix spelling error: fit1(x,y,'exp1') should be fit(x,y,'exp1'...).] Thank you for providing Data.xlsx. data=importd...
1 month ago | 0
How do you indicate a line between a user and a GPS satellite?
@인혁 Why do you think there are errors? I modified your script slightly to display the receiver radius from Earth center, and t...
2 months ago | 0
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Problem with lsqnonlin and error function implementing a bovine pericardium constitutive model
@Nicolò, can you provide file data_11122.mat?
2 months ago | 1
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how to find curve fiitng equation through custom equation
@parshwa, [Edit: fix spelling.] I agree with @John D'Errico that providing your data is an excellent idea. You say "I need to...
2 months ago | 0
How i can you ode extend function to used the solution till the end of timespan and in between used the RLC, offset and phase time as parameterizng function.
@Ehtisham, It appears to me that you are solving your system in successive time segments because you have parameters (RLC and o...
2 months ago | 0
Problem with identifying the entropy stabilization point in SSA for accurate signal decomposition.
@Trais You say SSA decomposes a signal into three components: trend, oscillations, and noise. Shouldn't the sum of the three c...
2 months ago | 0
MPU6050 display raw data and fft from the reading get
@Nurul, [edit: fix spelling errors] Do you get an error when you run this code? I don't have the arduino add-on package, so I...
2 months ago | 0
Multioutput Regression models for non-linear data
@Ashritha, It sounds to me like you want to estimate the values of circuit elements (R, L, C, etc) that will fit a fit a partic...
2 months ago | 0
Kruskalwallis test for ECG signal
@Elzbieta, First, I needed to understand what the problm is. Since I needed files to run your script, I made 3 files of random...
2 months ago | 0
Calculating the aortic flow downstream valve using Womersley and 3-element Windkessel model calculations from my FSI results - Why unusual sine waves at the end of flow curve?
@Hussam, [Edit: fix spelling errors.] I have not tried to understand all of your code. There are many plots above, and I canno...
2 months ago | 0
help me to do nonlinear fitting use lsqcurvefit
@nirwana, I agree with the comments of @Mathieu NOE. He raises very good points - including the recommendation to share the s...
2 months ago | 0
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Loudness Equalization Across Stimuli-Within Stimuli
@Buse, [Edit: correct spelling errors. Remove bullet point about ISO226 loudness levels, since I now see that function iso226...
2 months ago | 0
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How to get correct pixel size in 2D after cut 3D voxel using obliqueslice
@Kamil, [edit: fix spelling errors (twice), no changes to code.] [Edit: Replace color images with new images that don't have a...
3 months ago | 0
unable to load file in Matlab Answers
I have been unable to load data from a file in Matab Answers for a week or more. I can attach a data file to my answer by click...
3 months ago | 0 answers | 0
answersHow to constrain the time and how to derive the acceleration and position trajectories from given velocity trajectory?
@Alireza, You are correct: trapveltraj(,EndTime=tEnd) assumes tEnd is a scalar or a vector of segment durations. Example 1: Th...
3 months ago | 0
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Determine of coherence using Transfer function (Bode plot)
@Kumaresh Kumaresh, The coherence equals one in your example because you estimated the spectra Pxx, Pyy, and Pxy using a single...
3 months ago | 0
Issue with Fitting Damping Model to Experimental Data
@Ts, You say q(t) is a response. Response to what? To v(t), I assume. But you have not told us v(t). If you apply the differ...
3 months ago | 0
Estimate signal to noise ratio for electrocardiogram.
3 months ago | 4 downloads |
Signal quality assessment with SNR in Matlab
@Elzbieta, This is a long answer, but I don't have time to write a shorter one. My reading of your calc_snr() code is that it ...
3 months ago | 0
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Preserving relative proportions in graph after introducing bias in log scale plot
@Samuel, [Edits: Correct spelling errors, including "ch2inv" to "chi2inv".] [Edit: Correct formula for .] I have not tried to...
3 months ago | 0
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Plotting the Electric field of a SPR sensor
@Mohamed, Do you have the data, and you want to know how to make a plot? If so, see here. If you are looking for a formula fo...
3 months ago | 0
How can I draw a bifurcation diagram of the logistic dynamical coupled logistic map lattice system in MATLAB?
@Harpreet, What have you done so far? Your function L(e) is the logistic map function, with r=3.99. You have not specified th...
3 months ago | 0
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