Getting a number of different outputs using a single function

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi everyone.
I have created a function that can iteratively generate more sets of data from a smaller set of data through a random repetition. The following is the function I would like to change
% n is a multiplier/factor
% ExDataout, Erroru are outputs
% DataIn is the input
function [ExDataout,Erroru]=ExpandData(DataIn)
for m=1:100
for n=1:5
idx = sub2ind(size(DataIn), (1:size(DataIn,1))', randi(size(DataIn,2),size(DataIn,1),1));
ExDataout(:,n*m) = DataIn(idx);
I would like to get both the the output of the function depending on the value of n from the same function. For instance if n=1, I only have ExDataout(1) and Erroru(1). And if I have n=2, then I should have ExDataout(1), Erroru(1) as well as ExDataout(2), Erroru(2). Is there a way I could change this function to do exactly that?
Thank you.

Answers (1)

ANKUR KUMAR on 12 Mar 2021
I have changed just the index where you are saving the output.
Focussing on "And if I have n=2, then I should have ExDataout(1), Erroru(1) as well as ExDataout(2), Erroru(2).": after each iteration of n, values are getting saved in Erroru and ExDataout.
That is why after 100 iteration of m and 5 iteration of n, you have 500 columns in the output.
First column in the output depeicts the values for m=1 and n=1.
Second column in the output depeicts the values for m=1 and n=2.
Thrid column in the output depeicts the values for m=1 and n=3.
Forth column in the output depeicts the values for m=1 and n=4.
Fifth column in the output depeicts the values for m=1 and n=5.
Sixth column in the output depeicts the values for m=2 and n=1.
Seventh column in the output depeicts the values for m=2 and n=2.
and so on...
function [ExDataout,Erroru]=ExpandData(DataIn)
for m=1:100
for n=1:5
idx = sub2ind(size(DataIn), (1:size(DataIn,1))', randi(size(DataIn,2),size(DataIn,1),1));
ExDataout(:,(m-1)*5+n) = DataIn(idx);
Erroru(:,(m-1)*5+n) =mean(ExDataout.').'-mean(DataIn.').';
Hope it helps.
Lewis Waswa
Lewis Waswa on 15 Mar 2021
Thanks @ANKUR KUMAR. This however generates the last value of n. I am still trying to fingure out how to represent the EXDataout and Erroru as cells or 3D arrays that stores these values after each iteration.
ANKUR KUMAR on 15 Mar 2021
If you wish to save in a 3D array, you can use:
function [ExDataout,Erroru]=ExpandData(DataIn)
for m=1:100
for n=1:5
idx = sub2ind(size(DataIn), (1:size(DataIn,1))', randi(size(DataIn,2),size(DataIn,1),1));
ExDataout(:,(m-1)*5+n,m) = DataIn(idx);
Erroru(:,(m-1)*5+n,m) =mean(ExDataout.').'-mean(DataIn.').';
If you wish to save in a cell array, you can use:
function [ExDataout,Erroru]=ExpandData(DataIn)
for m=1:100
for n=1:5
idx = sub2ind(size(DataIn), (1:size(DataIn,1))', randi(size(DataIn,2),size(DataIn,1),1));
ExDataout{m}(:,(m-1)*5+n) = DataIn(idx);
Erroru{m}(:,(m-1)*5+n) =mean(ExDataout.').'-mean(DataIn.').';

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