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How to handle imroi in gui?

1 view (last 30 days)
Seombeom Kim
Seombeom Kim on 29 May 2013
Hello guys, I've been trying to make image processing gui tool.
In the gui there's image display window and functioning button's.
By the way, I planted a button that functioning imline, imrect and imfreehand in the gui.
So far I had no problem. But after I've made several line or rectangle, I needed to erase some of them.
At this very point, I have no Idea about how to handle these figure I've already made.
I just want to certain selected one to be erased by 'delete' button.
How can I break through this problem? :(

Answers (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 31 May 2013
You can use the following function to undo the last n plotting operations:
function undo_plot(h, n)
% UNDO_PLOT Undo last 'n' plotting operations.
if nargin == 1
n = 1;
if n < 1
error('Can''t undo < 1 plotting operation!');
children = get(gca, 'children');
for i = 1 : n
David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 31 May 2013
example of use:
plot([1,1],[2,3]) % plot vertical line hold on plot([0,2],[2,5]) % plot another line undo_plot(1,1) % delete last line and plot returns to its first layout
Seombeom Kim
Seombeom Kim on 8 Jun 2013
Thank you for your opinion. But I'm afraid, my intention is not to erase lastly created IMROI. I want erase arbitrary one out of several IMROIs. Anyway, I appreciate your kind proposal. Thanks.

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