How do you call a nested function?

16 views (last 30 days)
karen on 18 Jun 2013
Hello. I understand how a nested function works, but I'm having a problem calling it in the command window. I don't know if I'm calling it wrong or not.

Accepted Answer

Wayne King
Wayne King on 18 Jun 2013
Edited: Wayne King on 18 Jun 2013
You want to put the nested function inside another function (as the term nested implies) and then call the top-level function. As an example, create the following file, evenodd.m
function [even, odd] = evenodd(x)
even = evensamples(x);
odd = oddsamples(x);
function even = evensamples(x)
even = x(1:2:end);
function odd = oddsamples(x)
odd = x(2:2:end);
Save the above file evenodd.m in a folder on the MATLAB path and then call
>> x = randn(16,1);
>> [even,odd] = evenodd(x);
Note that evenodd() calls two nested functions evensamples() and oddsamples()

More Answers (1)

Jan on 18 Jun 2013
You cannot call a nested function from the outside, e.g. from the command line, directly. This is the nature of a nested function. Sub-functions cannot be called directly also.

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