Add variable as input parameter in deep learning model
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Md Abdur Rahman
on 10 Apr 2021
Commented: Md Abdur Rahman
on 18 Apr 2021
I am working on CNN model which increases pixel value of input image by x times. Here, the value of x is different for each pixel, which can be managed by CNN. I also want the value of x to be decided differently based on another variable. However, CNN model only takes image as input.
How can I add another additional variable with image as input for CNN model?
Accepted Answer
Srivardhan Gadila
on 14 Apr 2021
You can refer to Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Networks to create a network with multiple inputs.
The following is an example:
%% Define muliple input network.
layers1 = [
imageInputLayer([28 28 3],'Name','input')
lgraph = layerGraph(layers1);
layers2 = [imageInputLayer([28 28 3],'Name','x')];
lgraph = addLayers(lgraph,layers2);
% Connect layers.
lgraph = connectLayers(lgraph,'x','mul/in2');
% Analyze network.
You can refer to List of Deep Learning Layers for the available layers and Deep Learning Custom Layers to create a custom layer for your problem.
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