How to fill plot between two lines

8 views (last 30 days)
Hi there, I would like to know how to fill the area with one color (blues) if the area isabove the line and another color (red) if the area is under the line between two lines. I already make a code, but I couldn't fill the area under the line. I add my matrix in (.mat). I´m working with values in column five and six.Also I add my code and the image of what I get so far. Thank in advanced.
max=plot(data(:,1),data(:,5),'-k','LineWidth',3);grid on
xlim([data(1,1) data(365,1)]);
xticks([data(1) data(32) data(60) data(91) data(121) data(152) data(182) data(213) data(244) data(274) data(305) data(335)])
ylabel('Accumulated precipitation [mm]')
xlabel('Month [daily data]')
hold on
min=plot(data(:,1),data(:,6),'-r');grid on
patch([max.XData, fliplr(min.XData)], [max.YData, fliplr(min.YData)], 'b')
hold off

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 14 Apr 2021
If I understand the objective correctly, this should work:
DL = load('data1.mat');
data =;
max=plot(data(:,1),data(:,5),'-k','LineWidth',3);grid on
xlim([data(1,1) data(365,1)]);
xticks([data(1) data(32) data(60) data(91) data(121) data(152) data(182) data(213) data(244) data(274) data(305) data(335)])
ylabel('Accumulated precipitation [mm]')
xlabel('Month [daily data]')
hold on
above = min.YData > max.YData; % Logical Vector
patch([max.XData(above), fliplr(min.XData(above))], [max.YData(above), fliplr(min.YData(above))], 'b') % Blue Area
patch([max.XData(~above), fliplr(min.XData(~above))], [max.YData(~above), fliplr(min.YData(~above))], 'r') % Red Area
hold off
grid on
It adds a logical vector (‘above’), then uses that to colour the areas appropriately. The rest of the code is unchanged.
Fabian Moreno
Fabian Moreno on 14 Apr 2021
Edited: Fabian Moreno on 14 Apr 2021
Star Strider, I found why it didn´t fill red just the two areas under the line. It was because the two areas under the line become a kind of polygone and not recognized the two areas. Now, I divided the two areas and fill separated each one with red. Any way, thank you, now I understand a little bit more. :). I really aprecciated your help.
max=plot(data(:,1),data(:,5),'-k','LineWidth',3);grid on
xlim([data(1,1) data(365,1)]);
xticks([data(1) data(32) data(60) data(91) data(121) data(152) data(182) data(213) data(244) data(274) data(305) data(335)])
ylabel('Precipitação acumulada [mm]')
xlabel('Meses [datos diários]')
hold on
above = find(data(:,5) > data(:,6)); % Logical Vector
above1= above(1:3,1); % here I divided the two areas
above2= above(4:end,1);
patch([max.XData, fliplr(min.XData)], [max.YData, fliplr(min.YData)], 'b') % Blue Area
patch([max.XData(above1), fliplr(min.XData(above1))], [max.YData(above1), fliplr(min.YData(above1))], 'r') % Red Area
patch([max.XData(above2), fliplr(min.XData(above2))], [max.YData(above2), fliplr(min.YData(above2))], 'r')

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