Read table in .txt to MATLAB

2 views (last 30 days)
Karl Zammit
Karl Zammit on 17 Apr 2021
Commented: Karl Zammit on 19 Apr 2021
I have the following .txt fil and wish to save the columns seperately for further polar extrapolation. However, the following code is resulting in some funny values.
I appreciate any help. I think I am reading the data wrong as I dont fully understand the concept.
Thanks in advance.
%Read data file: Drag and Lift Coeff.
saveFlCdCl = 'Save_CdCl.txt'; %File name
finputCdCl = fopen(saveFlCdCl); %Open file for reading
dataBuffer = textscan(finputCdCl, '%f %f %f ', 'CollectOutput', 1, ... %Read data from file
'Delimiter', '', 'HeaderLines', 12);
%Get values
fclose(finputCdCl); %Close file

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Apr 2021
%Read data file: Drag and Lift Coeff.
saveFlCdCl = ''; %File name
t = readtable(saveFlCdCl, 'readvariablenames', false, 'headerlines', 12);
t.Properties.VariableNames = {'alpha', 'CL', 'CD', 'CDp', 'CM', 'Top_Xtr', 'Bot_Xtr'};
ans = 5×7 table
alpha CL CD CDp CM Top_Xtr Bot_Xtr _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ -10 -0.6476 0.02064 0.01596 -0.1001 0.9787 0.0217 -9.5 -0.583 0.01903 0.0142 -0.1033 0.9748 0.0229 -9 -0.5143 0.01752 0.01241 -0.1069 0.9722 0.0245 -8.5 -0.4585 0.01575 0.01051 -0.1079 0.9641 0.0263 -8 -0.3959 0.01462 0.00923 -0.1096 0.9573 0.0282
ans = 5×7 table
alpha CL CD CDp CM Top_Xtr Bot_Xtr _____ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 18 1.4983 0.09514 0.09032 -0.0493 0.0172 1 18.5 1.4798 0.10449 0.09981 -0.0514 0.0166 1 19 1.4728 0.11262 0.10816 -0.0538 0.0161 1 19.5 1.465 0.12103 0.11678 -0.0568 0.0156 1 20 1.4565 0.12969 0.12561 -0.0602 0.0151 1
  1 Comment
Karl Zammit
Karl Zammit on 19 Apr 2021
Needed the seperate columns but got to it in the end thanks to your answer. Much appreciated

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More Answers (1)

David Hill
David Hill on 17 Apr 2021
for k=1:length(names)


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