(Numerically) Integrating bump functions --- on R^1 vs R^2 and R^n

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Hi everyone,
I'm still relatively new to MATLAB so any comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
This is a question on numerical integration of bump functions and mollifiers (i.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mollifier ). In particular, I'm interested in computing the very integral that's displayed in the aforementioned Wikipedia article, under the section "Concrete example".
I have no problem integrating this integral on R^1 using the following code.
psi_m1 = @(x) ( x.^2 < 1) .* exp(- 1 ./ ( 1 - x.^2 ) ) ...
+ ( x.^2 >= 1) .* 0;
integral(psi_m1, -inf, inf)
From this, I get the answer 0.4440.
Now, suppose I consider the analogous computation on R^2.
psi_m2 = @(x,y) ( x.^2 + y.^2 < 1) .* exp(- 1 ./ ( 1 - ( x.^2 + y.^2 ) ) ) + ( x.^2 + y.^2 >= 1 ) .* 0;
psi_n = @(x,y) (1 / 2)^(-2) * psi_m2(2 * x, 2 * y);
integral2(psi_n, -inf, inf, -inf, inf)
I get all sorts of errors of the form:
Warning: Infinite or Not-a-Number value encountered.
> In funfun/private/integralCalc>iterateScalarValued at 349
In funfun/private/integralCalc>vadapt at 133
In funfun/private/integralCalc at 104
In funfun/private/integral2Calc>@(xi,y1i,y2i)integralCalc(@(y)fun(xi*ones(size(y)),y),y1i,y2i,opstruct.integralOptions) at 18
In funfun/private/integral2Calc>@(x)arrayfun(@(xi,y1i,y2i)integralCalc(@(y)fun(xi*ones(size(y)),y),y1i,y2i,opstruct.integralOptions),x,ymin(x),ymax(x)) at 18
In funfun/private/integralCalc>iterateScalarValued at 314
In funfun/private/integralCalc>vadapt at 133
In funfun/private/integralCalc at 104
In funfun/private/integral2Calc>integral2i at 21
In funfun/private/integral2Calc at 8
In integral2 at 107
Warning: The integration was unsuccessful.
> In integral2 at 110
Note that I explicitly write out the Euclidean R^2 norm function here as I get all sorts of errors and problems when I attempt to use the norm() function along with integral() and integral2(). But let's brush that aside for a moment.
Question: Anybody have any comments or insights on this problem? As an aside --- this same computation works fine with Mathematica using the NIntegrate[] function there both on R^1, R^2, ...

Answers (2)

Mike Hosea
Mike Hosea on 29 Jul 2013
Edited: Mike Hosea on 29 Jul 2013
Avoid masking the integrand in this manner if possible. It is numerically toxic. INTEGRAL2 is written to accept functional limits. Just as with the 1D problem you should write
>> fx = @(x)exp(-1./(1 - x.^2));
>> integral(fx,-1,1)
ans =
with the 2D problem you should write
>> fxy = @(x,y)exp(-1./abs(1 - (x.^2 + y.^2)));
>> integral2(fxy,-1,1,@(x)-sqrt(1 - x.^2),@(x)sqrt(1 - x.^2))
ans =
>> fxy2 = @(x,y)4*fxy(2*x,2*y);
>> integral2(fxy2,-0.5,0.5,@(x)-sqrt(0.25 - x.^2),@(x)sqrt(0.25 - x.^2))
ans =
Or in polar coordinates:
>> fxy2p = @(r,theta)fxy2(r.*cos(theta),r.*sin(theta)).*r;
>> integral2(fxy2p,0,0.5,0,2*pi)
ans =

the cyclist
the cyclist on 28 Jul 2013
Edited: the cyclist on 28 Jul 2013
During the integration of your function, MATLAB evaluates your function at the values
xc = -0.263261412747471;
yc = -0.425378012941634;
At these "critical" values, your function returns a NaN, because:
( x.^2 + y.^2 < 1)
is false (i.e. zero numerically), and
exp(- 1 ./ ( 1 - ( x.^2 + y.^2 ) ) )
evaluates as "Inf" (i.e. infinite). Your use of that first condition to suppress the out-of-range value leads to a NaN, and ultimately the inability to calculate the function. Such is the nature of a numerical calculator.
There are probably several ways around this. One simple but somewhat inelegant method would be to use
min(realmax,exp(- 1 ./ ( 1 - ( x.^2 + y.^2 ) ) ))
which will force that expression to be the largest expressible floating point number, so that it will get suppressed when multiplied by zero.


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