Error in activations() call when running 'Image Category Classification Using Deep Learning' Example

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I've been walking through the following example and I get an error in the first call to the activations() function:
The error says:
"Check for missing argument or incorrect argument data type in call to function 'activations'."
If Iuse the image data set supplied in the link, the error becomes:
"Undefined function 'activations' for input arguments of type 'nnet.cnn.LayerGraph'.
Error in Untitled7 (line 71)
trainingFeatures = activations( net, augmentedTrainingSet, featureLayer, ..."
I haven't changed any of the code, except my images are rgb, which I don't think affects this function call. Which of my inputs could be incorrect? Or am I missing necessary toolbox?
  1 Comment
Dominik Mattioli
Dominik Mattioli on 10 Jun 2021
I believe I've figured it out - the example says that you can use
net = resnet50( 'Weights', 'None' );
if you don't have the resnet pretrained model installed. However, I just installed the toolbox and changed the network instantiation to
net = resnet50();
and now it works. Perhaps the documentation could be edited to note this.

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