Searching for structures in signal

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I have a filtered signal were the base line is zero. I wish to search this signal for structures, i.e., find all the values in between the zeros, and store these induvidual structures as individual vectors for later comparison. These structures are not of equal length. How do I do this efficiently?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 14 Jun 2021
Try this —
t = linspace(0,25, 500); % Create Data
signal = sum(sin(0.5*rand(5,1)*2*pi*t+rand(5,1)*pi)); % Create Data
zxi = find(diff(sign(signal))); % Indices Of Approximate Zero-Crossings
tlen = numel(t);
for k = 1:numel(zxi)
idxrng = max(1,zxi(k)-2):min(zxi(k)+2,tlen); % Index Range For Interpolation
ti(k) = interp1(signal(idxrng), t(idxrng), 0); % 'Precise' Zero-Crossings
for k = 1:numel(ti)-1
tc{k} = t(t>=ti(k) & t<ti(k+1)); % Time Vector Between Zero-Crossings
sigc{k} = interp1(t,signal,tc{k}); % Associated Signal Vector
plot(t, signal)
hold on
plot(t(zxi), signal(zxi), 'sr')
hold off
title('Original Signal & Approximate Zero-Crossings')
sps = numel(tc);
for k = 1:sps
plot(tc{k}, sigc{k}, 'LineWidth',1.2)
title(sprintf('Segment #%02d',k))
sgtitle('Signal Segments Between Zero-Crossings')

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