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Numeric index Slider GUI

3 views (last 30 days)
Andrea on 8 Oct 2013
Commented: Andrea on 8 Oct 2013
Hi! I have 6 slider in my GUI and I want for each one a numeric index to show the actual numeric value moving the it possible? Thanks, Andrew

Accepted Answer

David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 8 Oct 2013
If "my_slider_k" is the tag of any of your sliders,
slider_k_value = get(handles.my_slider_k,'Value');
then, set this value to a text object:
set( handles.my_text_thing_handle,num2str(slider_k_value) )
  1 Comment
Andrea on 8 Oct 2013
with a Edit Text or a Static Text?

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More Answers (1)

Andrea on 8 Oct 2013
I have to use a Edit Text or a Static Text?


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