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Expanding Cube
on 30 Oct 2024
- 32
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- 1842
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Write your drawframe function below
function drawframe(f)
persistent hAx cubePatch nxi pxi nyi pyi nzi pzi cP c m nP
% setup
if f==1
%% helper functions
nP = @(a,b) cellfun(@(pt) pt.*a,b,'UniformOutput',false);
%% figure/axes
% store axes handle
hAx = gca();
% set axes props
'InnerPosition',[0 0 1 1],...
'XLim',[-3 3],...
'YLim',[-3 3],...
'ZLim',[-3 3],...
'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1],...
'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[1 1 1]);
% set figure backgroud color
set(gcf,'Color',[.13 .13 .13]);
%% cube properties
% half length of each cube edge
c = 0.5;
% Faces
F = zeros(6,4);
% define 6 faces of the cube
F(1,:) = [1,2,3,4]; % +z
F(2,:) = [1,2,6,5]; % +y
F(3,:) = [1,4,8,5]; % +x
F(4,:) = [5,6,7,8]; % -z
F(5,:) = [3,4,8,7]; % -y
F(6,:) = [2,3,7,6]; % -x
% FaceVertexCData
c1 = [.99,.84,.29]; % z face
c2 = [.90,.63,.17]; % y face
c3 = [.76,.45,.18]; % x face
FVC = repmat([c1;c2;c3],2,1);
% movement scaling vector (distance increases sigmoidally)
m = rescale(1./(1+exp(linspace(-10,10,16).*-1)));
% get starting center coordinates for all cubes
cX = repmat((-1:1)',1,3,3);
cY = permute(cX,[2,1,3]);
cZ = permute(cX,[3,2,1]);
cP = arrayfun(@(x,y,z) [x,y,z],cX,cY,cZ,'UniformOutput',false);
% get linear idxs for each set of 9 cubes
nxi = find(cX<0); % -x
pxi = find(cX>0); % +x
nyi = find(cY<0); % -y
pyi = find(cY>0); % +y
nzi = find(cZ<0); % -z
pzi = find(cZ>0); % +z
%% build patch objects for each cube
cubePatch = gobjects(3,3,3);
for x = 1:3
for y = 1:3
for z = 1:3
cubePatch(x,y,z) = patch(hAx,...
% set camera line of sight (magic angle elevation)
step = ceil(f/16);
fStep = mod(f-1,16)+1;
% get patch data for next frame of current step
switch step
case 1 % expand x
% indices to cubes we are moving
idx = [nxi;pxi];
% scale factor
sF = [m(fStep)+1,1,1];
case 2 % expand y
% indices to cubes we are moving
idx = [nyi;pyi];
% scale factor
sF = [1,m(fStep)+1,1];
case 3 % expand z
% indices to cubes we are moving
idx = [nzi;pzi];
% scale factor
sF = [1,1,m(fStep)+1];
case 4 % contract x
% indices to cubes we are moving
idx = [nxi;pxi];
% scale factor
sF = [m(fStep)/2-1,1,1];
case 5 % contract y
% indices to cubes we are moving
idx = [nyi;pyi];
% scale factor
sF = [1,m(fStep)/2-1,1];
case 6 % contract z
% indices to cubes we are moving
idx = [nzi;pzi];
% scale factor
sF = [1,1,m(fStep)/2-1];
% get new cube center coordinates
newP = nP(sF,cP(idx));
% get new vertices
newV = cellfun(@(pt) cubeVertices(pt),newP,'UniformOutput',false);
% update cube patches
% at the end of each step, update the center coordinates
if fStep==16
cP(idx) = newP;
% get patch Vertices (V) for a cube from its center point (P)
function V = cubeVertices(P)
pX = P(1);
pY = P(2);
pZ = P(3);
% Vertices
V = zeros(8,3);
% top face (positive z)
V(1,:) = [pX+c,pY+c,pZ+c];
V(2,:) = [pX-c,pY+c,pZ+c];
V(3,:) = [pX-c,pY-c,pZ+c];
V(4,:) = [pX+c,pY-c,pZ+c];
% bottom face (negative z)
V(5,:) = [pX+c,pY+c,pZ-c];
V(6,:) = [pX-c,pY+c,pZ-c];
V(7,:) = [pX-c,pY-c,pZ-c];
V(8,:) = [pX+c,pY-c,pZ-c];
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