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How do you use ChatGPT? Share your thoughts in the comments
For Q&A
For programming tasks
For writing
For fun
Other use-case not mentioned here
What's ChatGPT?
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Works great for generating a Live Script. See https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/124080-chatgpt-generated-matlab-program
Should be able to select multiple options in the poll. I signed up almost at the very beginning (2-3 days after release) and now using it for almost everything, finding baby girl names to solve programming, asking suggestions for resume & coverletter to getting help for job interview preparation. Overall, it's a great experience (though sometimes it gives wrong answer).
"I challenged ChatGPT to code and hack (Are we doomed?)"
David Bombai
ChatGPT is complete garbage. If it says anything sensible it's just parroting what someone else has already said (it won't tell you who). If it can't find an answer to your query in its database it won't say "I don't know"; it just makes up a bunch of BS and lies. ChatGPT's training model lacks any notion of "truth".
I was wondering how chartGPT could be better for matlab, e.g. smart hints, C++ code generation. If FEX had a supported plugin it would be replaced
I thought you had to sign up and they had a limited number of people they were willing to take on. I guess I didn't sign up in time and now when I go there I see "ChatGPT is at capacity right now". Does that mean they're not letting people make accounts anymore, or that they are just busy temporarily?
Currently examining at my institution for many uses and in my Dept for specifically teaching Programming for Engineers that utilizes MatLab.
I hope to see a lot of comment here.