This stems purely from some play on my part. Suppose I asked you to work with the sequence formed as 2*n*F_n + 1, where F_n is the n'th Fibonacci number? Part of me would not be surprised to find there is nothing simple we could do. But, then it costs nothing to try, to see where MATLAB can take me in an explorative sense.
n = sym(0:100).';
Fn = fibonacci(n);
Sn = 2*n.*Fn + 1;
Sn(1:10) % A few elements
ans =
For kicks, I tried asking ChatGPT. Giving it nothing more than the first 20 members of thse sequence as integers, it decided this is a Perrin sequence, and gave me a recurrence relation, but one that is in fact incorrect. Good effort from the Ai, but a fail in the end.
Is there anything I can do? Try null! (Look carefully at the array generated by Toeplitz. It is at least a pretty way to generate the matrix I needed.)
X = toeplitz(Sn,[1,zeros(1,4)]);
ans = 5
Hmm. So there is no linear combination of those columns that yields all zeros, since the resulting matrix was full rank.
X = toeplitz(Sn,[1,zeros(1,5)]);
ans = 5
But if I take it one step further, we see the above matrix is now rank deficient. What does that tell me? It says there is some simple linear combination of the columns of X(6:end,:) that always yields zero. The previous test tells me there is no shorter constant coefficient recurrence releation, using fewer terms.
ans =
Let me explain what those coefficients tell me. In fact, they yield a very nice recurrence relation for the sequence S_n, not unlike the original Fibonacci sequence it was based upon.
where the first 5 members of that sequence are given as [1 3 5 13 25]. So a 6 term linear constant coefficient recurrence relation. If it reminds you of the generating relation for the Fibonacci sequence, that is good, because it should. (Remember I started the sequence at n==0, IF you decide to test it out.) We can test it out, like this:
SfunM = memoize(@(N) Sfun(N));
ans = 3751251
2*25*fibonacci(sym(25)) + 1
ans =
And indeed, it works as expected.
function Sn = Sfun(n)
switch n
case 0
Sn = 1;
case 1
Sn = 3;
case 2
Sn = 5;
case 3
Sn = 13;
case 4
Sn = 25;
Sn = Sfun(n-5) + Sfun(n-4) - 3*Sfun(n-3) - Sfun(n-2) +3*Sfun(n-1);
A beauty of this, is I started from nothing but a sequence of integers, derived from an expression where I had no rational expectation of finding a formula, and out drops something pretty. I might call this explorational mathematics.
The next step of course is to go in the other direction. That is, given the derived recurrence relation, if I substitute the formula for S_n in terms of the Fibonacci numbers, can I prove it is valid in general? (Yes.) After all, without some proof, it may fail for n larger than 100. (I'm not sure how much I can cram into a single discussion, so I'll stop at this point for now. If I see interest in the ideas here, I can proceed further. For example, what was I doing with that sequence in the first place? And of course, can I prove the relation is valid? Can I do so using MATLAB?)
(I'll be honest, starting from scratch, I'm not sure it would have been obvious to find that relation, so null was hugely useful here.)
I have picked the title but don't know which direction to take it. Looking for any and all inspiration. I took the project as it sounded interesting when reading into it, but I'm a satellite novice, and my degree is in electronics.
Gabriel's horn is a shape with the paradoxical property that it has infinite surface area, but a finite volume.
Gabriel’s horn is formed by taking the graph of with the domain and rotating it in three dimensions about the axis.
There is a standard formula for calculating the volume of this shape, for a general function .Wwe will just state that the volume of the solid between a and b is:
The surface area of the solid is given by:
One other thing we need to consider is that we are trying to find the value of these integrals between 1 and ∞. An integral with a limit of infinity is called an improper integral and we can't evaluate it simply by plugging the value infinity into the normal equation for a definite integral. Instead, we must first calculate the definite integral up to some finite limit b and then calculate the limit of the result as b tends to ∞:
We can calculate the horn's volume using the volume integral above, so
The total volume of this infinitely long trumpet isπ.
Surface Area
To determine the surface area, we first need the function’s derivative:
Now plug it into the surface area formula and we have:
This is an improper integral and it's hard to evaluate, but since in our interval
So, we have :
Now,we evaluate this last integral
So the surface are is infinite.
% Define the function for Gabriel's Horn
gabriels_horn = @(x) 1 ./ x;
% Create a range of x values
x = linspace(1, 40, 4000); % Increase the number of points for better accuracy
y = gabriels_horn(x);
% Create the meshgrid
theta = linspace(0, 2 * pi, 6000); % Increase theta points for a smoother surface
[X, T] = meshgrid(x, theta);
Y = gabriels_horn(X) .* cos(T);
Z = gabriels_horn(X) .* sin(T);
% Plot the surface of Gabriel's Horn
figure('Position', [200, 100, 1200, 900]);
surf(X, Y, Z, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', 0.9);
The properties of this figure were first studied by Italian physicist and mathematician Evangelista Torricelli in the 17th century.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have supported and inspired me throughout this project.
First and foremost, I would like to thank the mathematician and my esteemed colleague, Stavros Tsalapatis, for inspiring me with the fascinating subject of Gabriel's Horn.
I am also deeply thankful to Mr. @Star Strider for his invaluable assistance in completing the final code.
When it comes to MOS tube burnout, it is usually because it is not working in the SOA workspace, and there is also a case where the MOS tube is overcurrent.
For example, the maximum allowable current of the PMOS transistor in this circuit is 50A, and the maximum current reaches 80+ at the moment when the MOS transistor is turned on, then the current is very large.
At this time, the PMOS is over-specified, and we can see on the SOA curve that it is not working in the SOA range, which will cause the PMOS to be damaged.
So what if you choose a higher current PMOS? Of course you can, but the cost will be higher.
We can choose to adjust the peripheral resistance or capacitor to make the PMOS turn on more slowly, so that the current can be lowered.
For example, when adjusting R1, R2, and the jumper capacitance between gs, when Cgs is adjusted to 1uF, The Ids are only 40A max, which is fine in terms of current, and meets the 80% derating.
(50 amps * 0.8 = 40 amps).
Next, let’s look at the power, from the SOA curve, the opening time of the MOS tube is about 1ms, and the maximum power at this time is 280W.
The normal thermal resistance of the chip is 50°C/W, and the maximum junction temperature can be 302°F.
Assuming the ambient temperature is 77°F, then the instantaneous power that 1ms can withstand is about 357W.
The actual power of PMOS here is 280W, which does not exceed the limit, which means that it works normally in the SOA area.
Therefore, when the current impact of the MOS transistor is large at the moment of turning, the Cgs capacitance can be adjusted appropriately to make the PMOS Working in the SOA area, you can avoid the problem of MOS corruption.
I am trying to earn my Intro to MATLAB badge in Cody, but I cannot click the Roll the Dice! problem. It simply is not letting me click it, therefore I cannot earn my badge. Does anyone know who I should contact or what to do?
Something that had bothered me ever since I became an FEA analyst (2012) was the apparent inability of the "camera" in Matlab's 3D plot to function like the "cameras" in CAD/CAE packages.
For instance, load the ForearmLink.stl model that ships with the PDE Toolbox in Matlab and ParaView and try rotating the model.
Note that I cant seem to rotate continuously around the x-axis. It appears to only support rotations from [0, 360] as opposed to [-inf, inf]. So, for example, if I'm looking in the Y+ direction and rotate around X so that I'm looking at the Z- direction, and then want to look in the Y- direction, I can't simply keep rotating around the X axis... instead have to rotate 180 degrees around the Z axis and then around the X axis. I'm not aware of any data visualization applications (e.g., ParaView, VisIt, EnSight) or CAD/CAE tools with such an interaction.
Note that at the 50 second mark, I set a view in ParaView: looking in the [X-, Y-, Z-] direction with Y+ up. Try as I might in Matlab, I'm unable to achieve that same view perspective.
Today I discovered that if one turns on the Camera Toolbar from the View menubar, then clicks the Orbit Camera icon, then the No Principal Axis icon:
I need deep orientation to make calculation of speed and Angle for the absolute encoder RM22SC with signal (data+, Data-, Clock +, Clock -) using Launchpad F28379D and Simulink.
I did interface the absolute encoder with IC DS26LS32CN and I did get signal Data and Clock. I did use the GPIO20 for Data and GPIO21 for Clock and connect both to the Matlab Function block to get as output the position. See the code on attached. The output of the Matlab function times 2*pi/8192 to get the angle. However, I don't get anything as value.
Matlab Fuction Block code
function position = decodeSSI(data, clock)
persistent bitCounter shiftRegister prevClock
if isempty(bitCounter)
bitCounter = uint32(0);
shiftRegister = uint32(0);
prevClock = uint32(0);
% Parameters
numBits = 13; % Number of bits in the SSI word
% Rising edge detection for clock
clock = uint32(clock); % Ensure clock is of type integer
I've noticed is that the highly rated fonts for coding (e.g. Fira Code, Inconsolata, etc.) seem to overlook one issue that is key for coding in Matlab. While these fonts make 0 and O, as well as the 1 and l easily distinguishable, the brackets are not. Quite often the curly bracket looks similar to the curved bracket, which can lead to mistakes when coding or reviewing code.
So I was thinking: Could Mathworks put together a team to review good programming fonts, and come up with their own custom font designed specifically and optimized for Matlab syntax?
Hello everyone, i hope you all are in good health. i need to ask you about the help about where i should start to get indulge in matlab. I am an electrical engineer but having experience of construction field. I am new here. Please do help me. I shall be waiting forward to hear from you. I shall be grateful to you. Need recommendations and suggestions from experienced members. Thank you.
I recently wrote up a document which addresses the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations in Matlab (with some Python examples thrown in for those who are interested). For ODEs, both initial and boundary value problems are addressed. For PDEs, it addresses parabolic and elliptic equations. The emphasis is on finite difference approaches and built-in functions are discussed when available. Theory is kept to a minimum. I also provide a discussion of strategies for checking the results, because I think many students are too quick to trust their solutions. For anyone interested, the document can be found at
hello i'm working on simulation using simulink which is my title is ENHANCING BATTERYENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMSTHROUGH MODULAR MULTILEVEL CONVERTER WITH STATE-OF-CHARGE BALANCING CONTROL. i already build 9 level mmc. but i dont have any idea for state of charge balancing control.please any suggestion and explain.
I read and compreheneded a paper on channel modeling "An Adaptive Geometry-Based Stochastic Model for Non-Isotropic MIMO Mobile-to-Mobile Channels" except the graphical results obtained from the MATLAB codes. I have tried to replicate the same graphs but to no avail from my codes. And I am really interested in the topic, i have even written to the authors of the paper but as usual, there is no reply from them. Kindly assist if possible.
Hi, I'm looking for sites where I can find coding & algorithms problems and their solutions. I'm doing this workshop in college and I'll need some problems to go over with the students and explain how Matlab works by solving the problems with them and then reviewing and going over different solution options. Does anyone know a website like that? I've tried looking in the Matlab Cody By Mathworks, but didn't exactly find what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance.
We are modeling the introduction of a novel pathogen into a completely susceptible population. In the cells below, I have provided you with the Matlab code for a simple stochastic SIR model, implemented using the "GillespieSSA" function
Twitch built an entire business around letting you watch over someone's shoulder while they play video games. I feel like we should be able to make at least a few videos where we get to watch over someone's shoulder while they solve Cody problems. I would pay good money for a front-row seat to watch some of my favorite solvers at work. Like, I want to know, did Alfonso Nieto-Castonon just sit down and bang out some of those answers, or did he have to think about it for a while? What was he thinking about while he solved it? What resources was he drawing on? There's nothing like watching a master craftsman at work.
I can imagine a whole category of Cody videos called "How I Solved It". I tried making one of these myself a while back, but as far as I could tell, nobody else made one.
Suppose you need to do a computation many times. We are going to assume that this computation cannot be vectorized. The simplest case is to use a for loop:
number_of_elements = 1e6;
test_fcn = @(x) sqrt(x) / x;
for i = 1:number_of_elements
x(i) = test_fcn(i);
t_forward = toc;
disp(t_forward + " seconds")
0.10925 seconds
This can easily be sped up by preallocating the variable that houses results:
x = zeros(number_of_elements, 1);
for i = 1:number_of_elements
x(i) = test_fcn(i);
t_forward_prealloc = toc;
disp(t_forward_prealloc + " seconds")
0.035106 seconds
In this example, preallocation speeds up the loop by a factor of about three to four (running in R2024a). Comment below if you get dramatically different results.
Is there a way to skip the explicit preallocation and still be fast? Indeed, there is.
clear x
for i = number_of_elements:-1:1
x(i) = test_fcn(i);
t_backward = toc;
disp(t_backward + " seconds")
0.032392 seconds
By running the loop backwards, the preallocation is implicitly performed during the first iteration and the loop runs in about the same time (within statistical noise):
Do you get similar results when running this code? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Beneficial side effect:
Have you ever had to use a for loop to delete elements from a vector? If so, keeping track of index offsets can be tricky, as deleting any element shifts all those that come after. By running the for loop in reverse, you don't need to worry about index offsets while deleting elements.
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