
compress large plot datasets from matlab plots to a data file (txt/csv/dat) for data visualization using TikZ/pgfplots in LaTeX
Updated 22 Feb 2019

This simple tool that helps to automate your Matlab To LaTeX workflow
It obtains data from a compressed matlab 2D-plot and exports to a specified
file name in *.txt, *.csv, or *.dat for beautiful scientific plots or datavisualization
with the pgfplots package in LaTeX.
Comes bundled with Tucker McClure's LinePlotReducer script.
Useful for researchers writing Papers,
and have a good knowledge of the pgfplots package
To get up and running with this script, see the example file.
It contains 4 implementation examples.

Cite As

Oluwasegun Somefun (2025). matlab2dplot2datafile (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2018b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspired by: Plot (Big), matfig2pgfdata(filename,m,n)

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