
Dyuman Joshi

Last seen: Today Active since 2012

Followers: 4   Following: 4


Mechanical Engineer IITG-20 | Moderator - MATLAB Cody since Jan 2021 | Time zone - IST (GMT +5.30)

Programming Languages:
Python, MATLAB
Spoken Languages:
English, Hindi
Professional Interests:
Fluid Dynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Hydraulics and Pneumatics


  • MATLAB Mini Hack Participant
  • Treasure Hunt Participant
  • Thankful Level 4
  • 24 Month Streak
  • Indexing I Master
  • Cody Challenge Master
  • Personal Best Downloads Level 2
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 1
  • Most Accepted 2023
  • Guiding Light
  • Matrix Manipulation II Master
  • Curator

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Counting the occurrences of a digit in a book
The printer has printed a book with 'p' pages. How many times did they use the character 'd'? In other words, how many times doe...

2 days ago


Digits eliminate
Complete the function my_f(n,b) to return, for a given integer, the number obtained by removing the digits '0' and 'b'. If there...

2 days ago


Replace with Lower
Given a list of integers, for each element, replace it with the minimum integer found in the sub-list to its strict right (exclu...

3 days ago


Reverse Integer
You are given an integer, reverse its digits. For negative integers, the sign should remain in the front. For instance, 12340 s...

3 days ago


An element of a list is called a "leader" if every element to its right (and not just the one immediately to its right) is stric...

3 days ago


Recursive triangle area
Given triangle 1 with sides of length a, b, and c. Triangle 2 is constructed within triangle 1 by bisecting each side. Triangl...

3 days ago


Sort by absolute value
Given a list of numbers, arrange them in ascending order based on their absolute values. For example, for the list [-30, -5, 1...

5 days ago


Perfect shuffle
We call "perfect shuffle" the process of cutting a deck of cards into two equal halves, and then perfectly interleaving them: on...

5 days ago


Finding the Most Frequent Letter in a Text
You are given a text containing various English letters, digits and punctuation symbols. Your task is to find the most frequentl...

5 days ago


Calculating the Union Area of Overlapping Rectangles
Calculate the area covered by a union of multiple rectangles. Each rectangle is represented by 4 integers: the first two integer...

5 days ago


Remove Adjacent Pairs
Given an array of integers where adjacent elements may be identical, your task is to remove these adjacent pairs. If removing on...

5 days ago


Conditional transpose II
As in problem 60734, you're given two vectors, x and y, which might be row or a column vectors. Your task is to ensure that y ha...

6 days ago


Conditional transpose
You're given two vectors of the same length, x and y, which might be row or a column vectors. Your task is to ensure that y has ...

7 days ago


Convert RGB to Grayscale
Convert a 3 element RGB array to its correspoding grayscale pixel (a scalar) *Hint: a formula exists!

16 days ago


Wheatstone bridge
Determine if a set of resistors maintain Wheatstone bridge equilibrium

18 days ago


Remove the diagonal of a square matrix
Some Cody problems ask solvers to remove columns (e.g., CP 7), and others ask solvers to remove rows (e.g., CP 44033). Write a...

19 days ago


Biggest Value in the (Neighbor)Hood
For this challenge you get two inputs: a matrix A and an integer value n. Your function should return a Matrix B of the same siz...

1 month ago


Final Stone Weight
You are given an array with weights of stones. The objective is to determine the weight of the final stone remaining after all c...

2 months ago


Determine if a Digit is Isolated
A digit is considered isolated if both its left and right neighbors are different from itself. For example, in the number 776444...

2 months ago


Missing Number (arithmetic progression)
Given a list of integers forming an arithmetic progression (where the difference between consecutive elements is constant), your...

2 months ago


Create logical matrix with a specific row and column sums
Given two numbers *|n|* and *|s|*, build an |n-by-n| logical matrix (of only zeros and ones), such that both the row sums and th...

2 months ago


Joining Ranges
You are given a n-by-2 matrix. Each row represents a numeric range, e.g. x = [0 5; 10 3; 20 15; 16 19; 25 25] contains...

2 months ago


Perimeter of a Koch snowflake
A Koch snowflake is an iteratively generated (fractal) shape built out of successively smaller equilateral triangles by followin...

2 months ago


Integer Persistence, Product
Let's construct a sequence as follows: is a given natural number, and is the product of the digits of . The persistence of i...

2 months ago


Given a Polyshape_01 (ps) Return its Perimeter, Area, and Centroid.
Return the perimeter (P) of a polyshape object, which is the sum of the lengths of its boundaries. Return the total area (A) of...

2 months ago


Battery Charge Indicator
Write a function called battery_charge that visually represents the charge of a battery. The function takes an integer paramete...

3 months ago


Stern-Brocot Sequence
The Stern-Brocot diatomic sequence is defined as follows: The first elements of the sequence are 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4...

3 months ago


Available ingredients + recipe -> number of cakes
Write a function Egg_Milk_Sugar(L, recipe) to determine the maximum number of cakes that can be prepared given a list of availab...

3 months ago


Hofstadter Q sequence
The Hofstadter Q sequence is defined as follows: The first elements of the sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6. Write ...

3 months ago


Reversing Maximal Ascending Subsequences
Create and return a new array that contains the same elements as the input array, but with the elements within each strictly inc...

3 months ago

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