Matt J
Professional Interests: medical image processing, optimization algorithms PLEASE NOTE: I do not read email sent through my author page. Please post questions about FEX submissions in their respective Comments section.
38 Files
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3 Highlights
Solving non linear system with fsolve
R is too small compared to C to have any effect numerically, so the equation is basically C*T=f. I'm assuming also that you mean...
2 days ago | 0
How to permute the rows and columns in a sparse GPU matrix?
The permAndRebuild() function below is a reimplementaiton of the row permutation operation M(p,:) that also works on the GPU. On...
3 days ago | 1
How to get correct pixel size in 2D after cut 3D voxel using obliqueslice
IMHO obliqueslice is a bit of a crude tool for slice sampling. One of the many things you can do with this FEX package, https:/...
3 days ago | 0
Vectorisation of a function solving two symbolic equations with two unknows and using structures
function [Intersection1,Intersection2] = intersection_cercle_test(vector_rays, point_rays, radius_circle, point_center_circle) ...
4 days ago | 2
| accepted
convert pixels to object coordinates
Gimbal is pointed to (pointAt) specific coordinates of a point of interest (POI). So, I can read azimuth and elevation angle of ...
4 days ago | 0
Is there a function to tell if Matlab is using little-endian or big-endian on current computer?
function endianType = checkEndian() % Typecast uint16(1) to uint8 to examine the byte order byteValue = typecast(uin...
4 days ago | 0
I want to divide an array up into sections and add each section to its own column in a table.
Using mat2tiles from the File Exchange (download from here), example = rand(85,48); xcell=mat2tiles(example,[inf,8]); ...
5 days ago | 0
DL Network Designer, Sequential LSTM regression
The train() command is not applicable to networks composed with the Deep Learning Toolbox. You need to use trainnet, or its olde...
5 days ago | 1
How do I convert my nested for loop into a nested parfor loop?
One way: tpres3d = tpres_U + tpres_V*sqrt(-1); %36x34x8812 [a,b,c] = size(tpres3d); T0=reshape(tpres3D,[],c).'; Ttides_hfd...
5 days ago | 0
How do I load and display an image stored in a separate .mat file?
If you look at, disp(image) you will see that image is a struct as the error message is telling you. What you probably meant t...
7 days ago | 0
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How to interpolate/extract row from essentially 1-D lookup table
The interpolated table data given to a 1D Lookup Table can have multiple columns. So just set it to backEMF as is.
8 days ago | 0
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What is the state structure for mixed integer ga optimization?
memoize might be a more direct way to achieve what you are pursuing.
9 days ago | 0
.exe included during compiling is missing
I would guess, based on your other posts, that it was unpacked in a subfolder of ctfroot. That could have occurred if you direct...
9 days ago | 0
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fittting data using nonlinear optimization fminsearch
I see two things that might be a problem. First, your model equation might be reasonable for the envelope of the ACF curves you ...
9 days ago | 0
A-version versus B-version of MATLAB
I have heard some accounts that the A-version of a certain year's Matlab release (e.g. R2023A) is intended as a beta-release whi...
10 days ago | 1 answer | 0
answerWhy the start point of boundingbox of regionprops is not integers, but offset with 0.5?
In the conventions of regionprops(), the centers of the pixels have coordinates at the natural integers. The coordinates that Bo...
12 days ago | 0
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How to impove multistart/lsqnonlin solution selection when difference between Fvals is too small to discern from rounding noise.
I have tried calculating the residuals using VPA arrays at 35 significant digits Do you really need to keep all 35? I imagine y...
12 days ago | 0
Fastest way to find the values and indices of the entries of a vector X that are closest to each entry of a matrix A.
result_idx = reshape( interp1(X,1:numel(X),A(:),'nearest','extrap') ,size(A)); result_val=abs(X(result_idx)-A);
14 days ago | 2
I cannot use interp2 function instead of griddata
scatteredInterpolant is supported for Code Generation as of R2024b, so if you can upgrade from R2019b, that might sove it.
15 days ago | 0
Multimodal image registration: Is it possible to register an X-Ray to an MRI in Matlab?
There are no native Matlab commands to do even mono-modality 2D-3D image registration. As a first step, you would probably need...
16 days ago | 1
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Numerical search for the singular points of a complex matrix
and it is easy for me to procure initial guesses that work If so, just use fminsearch, p = fminsearch(@(p) det(Z(p)) ,[sigm...
16 days ago | 0
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Identifying and extracting clusters of points from image
Perhaps clusterdata.
16 days ago | 0
How to compute the intersection point of the indifference curve and the cml curve?
You've negelected to tell us what the independent variable is. If I assume it is Annu_rf, then one way would be, U=@(Annu_rf) A...
22 days ago | 0
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How do I use a .exe compiled with an app in app designer?
If you are using the deploytool app to compile, you can include analysis.exe via the section "Files required for your applicatio...
23 days ago | 0
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train neural net with prior solution
Your post is under-detailed and does not tell us how the network and training are implemented. If I assume you are using trainne...
23 days ago | 0
Pause button not functioning
Try using waitfor instead, along with some sort of uicontrol, e.g., % Create the figure fig = figure; % Add a button to ind...
24 days ago | 0
Why does converting categorical(0) to double add 1?
It doesn't add 1. It just enumerates your categories (in numerical or alphabetal order), e.g., double( categorical(["dog","cat"...
24 days ago | 0
Converting 1x1 struct with multiple fields to numeric matrix
tieup.x1 = '2,3,6'; tieup.x2 = 3; tieup.x3 = 4; tieup.x4 = '1,4,5'; tieup.x5 = '1,2,3,6'; f=string(fieldnames(tieup))'; ...
24 days ago | 1
How to find values in a nested struct with repeating fieldnames?
I think a loop in combination with the find function could do the trick, but this seems like an inefficient and error-prone way....
24 days ago | 0