
Les Beckham

Last seen: 1 day ago Active since 2013

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Many years developing flight control algorithms and software

Programming Languages:
C++, C, C#, MATLAB, Assembly


  • 36 Month Streak
  • Thankful Level 2
  • Knowledgeable Level 5
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  • MATLAB Central Treasure Hunt Finisher
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Ramp function with steady-state
Maybe something like this using lsim? t = 0:0.01:30; u = 3*t; u(u > 30) = 30; sys = tf([1 0], [1 1]); % <<< s / (s+1) -- rep...

10 days ago | 0

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How to adjust the decimal place in fprintf statement
Note that the Matlab function for printing to the command window is fprintf, not printf. Note also that it doesn't make sense t...

12 days ago | 0

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Kalman Filter Velocity data looking too similar to position data
It appears that you aren't differentiating the position to get the velocity, you are just multiplying it by dt. Thus the two pl...

1 month ago | 0

anyone know how to open .dmi file
There are two issues. One is that your fread command is converting the int8 data to doubles when reading. The other is that th...

1 month ago | 0

How can I insert a variable into a plot legend, with a special character following the variable?
plot(magic(4)) M = 10.5; %<<< made up value for variable M legend('', '', '', sprintf('Gradient: %.1f\\circ/mm', M))

1 month ago | 0


Given an unsigned integer x, find the largest y by rearranging the bits in x
Given an unsigned integer x, find the largest y by rearranging the bits in x. Example: Input x = 10 Output y is 12 ...

2 months ago


Calculate area of sector
A=function(r,seta) r is radius of sector, seta is angle of sector, and A is its area. Area of sector A is defined as 0.5*(r^2...

2 months ago


Convert radians to degrees
Given input in radians, output to degrees

2 months ago

Need to get matlab to display the continuous time transfer function
Please explain exactly what the problem is. You need the Control System toolbox, not the "command tool box", whatever that is. ...

2 months ago | 0

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How can I write data to a text file in a user-specified location that is already populated with a standard header?
Probably the easiest way to do this is to create a text file containing your header text and then call system() to concatenate t...

2 months ago | 0

how to resolve fprintf error when dealing with whole numbers?
a = [16.0541, 17]; for i = 1:2 fprintf('\n%s','"values":{'); fprintf('\n%s','"min":'); fprintf('%f',a(i)); % <<...

2 months ago | 1

Unable to create a exponential graph
I guess I don't really see what the problem is. Follow your own comments and adjust a and b to match the expected curve. Can y...

2 months ago | 0

Why is it when I am adding a number to array, the single number overrides array
lownutant is so small (~10^207) that can't be represented in floating point after adding 1 to it. Floating point resolution for...

2 months ago | 3

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How to datasample exponential data without losing the exponential decay?
I guess I don't understand what problem you are seeing. resample seems to work just fine here (see below). I assumed that your...

3 months ago | 2

Add a title to a group of 4 subplots centred at the top
I would suggest using tiledlayout instead of subplot. Then you attach the title to the tiledlayout rather than any of the indiv...

3 months ago | 0

Help Needed: Fixing Indexing Error in MATLAB Random Name Generator Code
You need to use curly braces instead of parentheses to extract the contents of the cell array of char vectors for the names. % ...

3 months ago | 0

How to create Simulink model with multiple versions?
I would suggest reading about Variant Subsystems. They are intended for doing exactly that.

4 months ago | 0

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Function is throwing error when calling it in different script
You have a non-comment line before the function definition starts. Thus, Matlab thinks that this is a script. Make the first l...

4 months ago | 0

The farthest yticklabels do not appear when using ax.YAxisLocation = 'origin'
I'm not sure this is much more satisfactory than your approach, but it appears to at least work and would adapt to different y a...

5 months ago | 1

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I would like to quantize a Sinewave correctly, and identify where the issues is with my code
You were so close! But bitshift shifts left by the specified number of bits. Use a minus sign to shift right. % Sampling Freq...

5 months ago | 1

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how to disactivate automatic expression completion
The preferences that control this can be found pretty much where I would expect to find them: Preferences>Editor/Debugger>Autom...

5 months ago | 0

Rename TIF files in a folder
system('touch Camera_6_100fps_20240403_0956560001.tif'); % create files for testing system('touch Camera_6_100fps_20240403_0956...

5 months ago | 1

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How to change color of berfit curve
You can capture the fit data from berfit and use the normal plot command to plot the data with full control over the symbols, li...

6 months ago | 0

stateflow "if else if else" structure not working properly
I don't have access to Stateflow so I can't test this, but I know that the compound comparisons that you have shown are not allo...

6 months ago | 0

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Euler's Method using a for loop
I'm not sure I believe that the equation given in your attached image is correct. However, the changes below allow the code to ...

6 months ago | 0

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If Else problem Valid_date code.
There are several errors. For one thing, you can't combine multiple comparisons into one such as 13>month>0, this must be two c...

6 months ago | 0

plot with 3 different lines and a set of points
The y axis is logarithmic. It's just not very obvious due to the limited range of your y data. Note the difference in the spac...

7 months ago | 0

How do I get old "property inspector" popup window in figure?
Try clicking the button at the far left below the window title bar (it shows "Group View" when you hover over it). It looks like...

8 months ago | 1

Detect monotonic decrease and record the corresponding rate
Your "for example" text doesn't seem to match with finding how long it takes to decrease from 25 to 15. So for example, I would...

8 months ago | 0

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cant call function from a file
It would have been better if you had posted your code as code (text) rather than a picture, then we could have modified it and r...

8 months ago | 1

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