Prahlad Gowtham Katte
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how to plot 3d using patch?
Hello, As per my understanding of the query ,you want to use the example code for plotting a 3d graph using patch function but ...
2 years ago | 0
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Correctly storing data in cell arrays
Hello! As per my understanding of the query , you wish to have a gap between printing data of 2 different cells. You can use “e...
2 years ago | 0
How to use fread from TCP/IP of a string?
Hello Sourav As per my understanding of the question you want to read the string as a string instead of the ASCII values being ...
3 years ago | 0
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pdf and unifpdf functions not working
Hello Afeef As per my understanding of your query there is something wrong with pdf and unifpdf functions. The code snippet you...
3 years ago | 0
Graphical representation of Value at Risk
Hello As per my understanding of the query you want to indicate certain areas within the curve with a different color and this ...
3 years ago | 0
Is there a way to use inpolygon more than once ?
Hello We can use the inpolygon function more than once in a script file. The following code shows inpolygon being used more tha...
3 years ago | 0
calculate distance matrix for 3D points
Hello As per my understanding, you want to create a distance matrix between points of type A and type B. You can do that by cre...
3 years ago | 0
How to choose a ROI in an image and mask the other data in a colored image?
Hello As per my understanding of your query you wish to mask the region other than the yellow-colored part of the image. You ca...
3 years ago | 0
Rotate and Position Node Labels
Hello As per my understanding of your query you wish to customize the position and orientation of the nodes so that they can be...
3 years ago | 0
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How can I run a code for multiple rows which I found from another variable?
Hello, I understand that you want to get the times for each row and you can accomplish that using a for loop and array indices....
3 years ago | 0
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How to Input a value, get a result, input that result to calculate another value
Hello, As mentioned in the comments please change h to h(t) wherever you are using assignment and comparison operators. The er...
3 years ago | 0
I tried to write a code to find the next smallest prime number greater than any given positive integer. My code is stuck in infinity loop, how can I find where is the problem?
Hello, I understand that you’re trying to optimize the above function to find next smallest prime number. For optimizing the ...
3 years ago | 0
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Need the function to run multiple times and store each data point for each input variable
Hello, I understood that you want to execute the same function for customer where it is a 1x20 struct array. The following func...
3 years ago | 0
How do I make the output of a loop the new input value, and loop it 15 times.
Hello, I understood that you want to know how to pass the FrstMove to start for 15 iterations.In the code you have tried to ass...
3 years ago | 0
Modulo Operator in Embedded Coder
Hello, I understand that you want to know the reason behind the embedded coder’s own function definition instead of the % (modu...
3 years ago | 1
Auto resize of manually added axes
Hello, As per my understanding of the query, you are trying to find out why the axes you added manually is not resizing w...
3 years ago | 0
Rank of symbolic matrix is wrong (but too small, not too large)
Hello, This is a known issue and has been communicated with the internal staff and it would be considered for a fix in the f...
3 years ago | 4
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Is it possible to write a class that inherits from timetable?
Hello, As per my understanding of the query, you are trying to inherit a sealed class which is not possible. For your case...
3 years ago | 0
Breaking Vector into Subvectors
Hello, As per my understanding of the query, you are trying to split the vector into sub vectors. For this you can first g...
3 years ago | 0
Join tables based on month values
Hello, As per my understanding of the query, you are trying to join two tables with similar month values using outer join....
3 years ago | 0
3D Plot of Probability Density Functions using normpdf and line function
Hi I understand that you’re trying to plot consecutive PDFs using 3D plot. Following code snippet might help to resolve the is...
3 years ago | 0
How do I find the value for which x% of the array is covered?
Hi My understanding of the question is that you want to sort a 3-dimensional array and you want to extract the minimum for whi...
3 years ago | 0
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