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How to generate predictable function interfaces/arguments for a reusable simulink function
Yes, it is possible to generate embedded code with a user-defined order of function arguments for a reusable function in Simulin...
1 year ago | 0
Deploy classification leaner model into my C++ arduino code
Deploying a classification model trained in MATLAB into an Arduino board can be achieved using MATLAB Coder. MATLAB Coder genera...
1 year ago | 0
Monitoring the Live Data on Appdesigner GUI
Hi, You can implement a timer function in MATLAB AppDesiner. When the timer executes it will read the temperature data from ...
2 years ago | 0
Model magnetometer in matlab(not simulink)
Hi Pranjal, To model a magnetometer in MATLAB, you can simulate its behavior based on the principles of magnetism and sensor ...
2 years ago | 0
How to change the UDP receive buffer size in udpport and what is its max value?
Hi, To modify the receive buffer size of ‘udpport()’ in MATLAB, you can use the ‘set’ method. Example : bufferSize = 16384...
2 years ago | 0
how to use extern variable from custom C code in stateflow ?
Hi RK, To solve this issue, you need to declare the external variables in the 'Symbol management' section as these variables ...
2 years ago | 0
Is it possible to embed non-standard fonts in a simulink model?
Hi Markus, It is currently not possible to embed non-standard fonts directly in a Simulink model. Simulink uses system fonts in...
2 years ago | 1
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virtual vehicle composer/ setup报错‘no license'
Apparently it seems that you do not have the required product licenses that are necessary for Virtual Vehicle Composer. The Vir...
2 years ago | 0
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How can I retrieve parameter values fom a Simscape Multibody block?
In Simscape Multibody, the equations for the entire system are formulated and symbolically reduced internally, and not exposed. ...
2 years ago | 0
Running MATLAB Compiler SDK in docker image
For accessing MATLAB on the cloud, you can use the MATLAB container available on Docker Hub. The MATLAB container will provides ...
2 years ago | 0
Mechanics Explorer: Update Input values during simulation
Hi, This happens because of the difference in clock speed of simulation and the Mechanical Explorer. The simulation clock is ru...
2 years ago | 1
Can the function comm.linearEqualizer of MATLAB equalize 16QAM signals with CMA algorithm ?
Hi, According to the details mentioned in the documentation of comm.LinearEqualizer, the 'Constellation' property do not have a...
2 years ago | 0
Mathematical Background of the Noise Power Measurement with snr Function
The documentation page of the snr function provides the following mathematical background of the algorithm used in function: "W...
2 years ago | 0
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Simscape multibody equation of motion
In Simscape Multibody, the equations for the entire system are formulated and symbolically reduced internally, and not exposed. ...
2 years ago | 0
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Petri net Toolbox Help
You can download the latest version 2.4 of Petri Net Toolbox from its official site Petri Net Toolbox for MATLAB (tuiasi.ro). N...
2 years ago | 0
Codegen error while creating standalone executable
You can try the below mentioned configuration changes: Go to Modelling tab --> Model Settings --> Code Generation Change the '...
2 years ago | 0
How to make receiver (pcm decoding) with this tools
Please refer to the attached image. It demonstrates a Simulink model implementation of PCM modulator and PCM demodulator.
2 years ago | 0
TurnOffDelay delays a falling edge of the input signal on Simulink
You can implement the function you described using a Stateflow chart in Simulink. Here are the steps to do so: Create a new Sta...
2 years ago | 1
regarding reconstruction of image from complex double
Based on the description of your query, It is quite unclear what you are trying to achieve. But i am assuming that you are havin...
2 years ago | 0
What exactly do these codes do dataTrain = textdata(training(cvp),:); / dataTest = textdata(test(cvp),:); ?
The cvpartition function will create a random partion indices for train and test data and assign a cvpartition object to cvp. Th...
2 years ago | 0
Error During the Installation
Depending on the type of license that you have, the reason for occurence of this error may vary. Individual and Campus-Wide li...
2 years ago | 0
Mex files with OpenMP
By default, MATLAB makes use of the multithreading capabilities of the computer on which it is running. On Windows platforms wit...
2 years ago | 0
Dynamic Signal Data Logging
It sounds like you are looking for a way to enable logging for specific signals in your model without modifying the model itself...
2 years ago | 0
The error messgae might be caused due to CUDA drivers. Do you have the latest drivers installed? If not, install the latest driv...
2 years ago | 0
How to use parsim inside for loop?
The parsim function runs simulations with different parameters and values based on the Simulink.SimulationInput object. Each Sim...
2 years ago | 0
Looking for source of minimum value in 3d array
Assuming that the arrays Dt1,Dt2,Dt3,Dt4,Dt5 are of 1 or 2 dimensions, then you can easily find which Dt(n) has the minimum valu...
2 years ago | 0
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Invalid MEX-file
MATLAB displays the error message 'Invalid MEX-file' if it cannot find all the .dll files referenced by a MEX file and due to wh...
2 years ago | 0
How can I change the rtwbuild option "skipSetupArg"?
Yes, you can change the argument "skipSetupArg" by modifying the build settings in MATLAB. Follow the steps below: Open the Sim...
2 years ago | 0
Simscape simulation using operating points
When you change the solver configuration in Simulink, it can affect the behaviour of the simulation, including the results of a ...
2 years ago | 0
How to display 3D image from nii file (openfMRI data) and transfer it to DICOM file?
Hi, To display a 3D image from open fMRI data in online Matlab, you can follow these general steps: Download the fMRI data fr...
2 years ago | 0