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I am a software developer here at MathWorks. I'm passionate about the MathWorks products, and technologies, and would love to bring a positive change in the world using tech. Disclaimer: All opinions I express on this forum are my own, and not representative of MathWorks.
Python, C++, C, Java, Javascript, Go, MATLAB, SQL, HTML, CSS
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It is possible to create a desktop app with Electron and using MATLAB for the calculus?
Hi, Yes, it is possible to build a desktop app with Electron or other technologies and link it to MATLAB for calculation and d...
2 years ago | 1
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Simulink start page stuck on infinite loading screen
Hi, Based on my understanding about the problems you are facing with simulink loading, there are a number of things that you ca...
2 years ago | 0
"mp_core" toolbox
Hi, “MP_Core” toolbox is not a standard toolbox that comes with MATLAB. You can find the instructions to download & install "m...
2 years ago | 0
problems with C/C++ compiler. Matlab R2022b
Hi, This can be because of the reason that you don't have a compiler installed on your system. So, first you need to install t...
2 years ago | 0
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Is there an API documentation for custom code for STM32 Nucleo Simulink project?
Hi, You can find out the documentation of "Simulink Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics Nucleo Boards" in the below li...
2 years ago | 0
Hi, The installation of addtional features may be abnormal probably because of not following the right steps. I would sugges...
2 years ago | 0
Export multiple mechanics explorer video tiles at once
Hi, As far as I know, there is currently no built-in feature in Mechanics Explorer that allows you to output multiple tiles in...
2 years ago | 0
Add-on Error : Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware : XCP error
Hi, This could be because of you having certain firewall settings possibly blocking connection. Due to this, the external mode ...
2 years ago | 0
No access error: Cannot access method 'pattern' in class 'arrayConfig'.
Hi, Your question is lacking details, but if I had to guess, then it's because of the manner you are invoking your method, prob...
2 years ago | 0
How can I resolve the 'serial communication failed' error?
Hi, The error directs that there is a communication failure while using the parameter estimation host model. You can have a lo...
2 years ago | 0
Error in matlab app with a code
Hi, The error which you are facing usually indicates that MATLAB cannot find a particular variable or MATLAB program file in th...
2 years ago | 0
Screenshot of MATLAB Web App
Hi, Starting in Matlab r2020b, you can take snapshots of an app / uifigure using the functions below. exportapp getframe ...
2 years ago | 0
Linux Matlab auto login/login from command line
Hi, Start MatLab with the following flags matlab -nodesktop -nojvm -nosplash -nodesktop prevents the desktop -nojvm prevents...
2 years ago | 0
GigE Pyrocam III: Mono16 Pixel vales always at extremes close to 0 or 65535
Hi, It sounds like you are experiencing issues with the dynamic range of your Pyrocam camera. It's possible that the pixel valu...
2 years ago | 0
Matlab2022a生代码最后报错:The terminate function is required by rt_main.c
Hi, The error message "The terminate function is required by rt_main.c" usually indicates that there is a problem with the gene...
2 years ago | 0
Hi, The error message you are seeing is likely due to the fact that the variable p is not defined before it is used in the code...
2 years ago | 0
Regression Learner model with multiple variables: Finding all combinations x1,x2 that lead to certain outcome y
Hi, Yes, there is a way to calculate all possible combinations of x1 and x2 that lead to a certain value for y, given x3. Here...
2 years ago | 0
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how to make 3d voxel in specific range?
Hi, To create a 3D voxel in a specific range with a voxel size of 20m x 20m x 20m, you can use the following steps in MATLAB: ...
2 years ago | 0
Why does dvbs2ldpc() generate non-quasi-cyclic matrixes?
Hi, The dvbs2ldpc() function in MATLAB generates LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check) codes for DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting -...
2 years ago | 0
스크립트에서 ode45 함수를 지원하지 않는다고 합니다
Hi, There maybe another script file named ODE45, which might be preventing MATLAB from running the actual ode45 function includ...
2 years ago | 0
XCP crash Raspberry pi
Hi, This could be because of you having certain firewall settings possibly blocking connection with the RPi. Due to this, the e...
2 years ago | 0
How to disable Mac Magic Mouse from zooming on figures
Hi, You can can fix this by disabling the magic mouse zooming completely. This link provides 3 solutions which can be useful to...
2 years ago | 0
Tall cell arrays with confusionchart()
Hi, As far as I understood, you wanted to separate out the labels, i.e the second column from the data you have given. This ca...
2 years ago | 0
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Hi, You may be receiving this error because of not downloading the correct installation files, or donwloading them at the incor...
2 years ago | 0
多个账号不能同时激活 eror-9
Hi, Assuming that you have multiple MATLAB network authentication accounts, you can look at administering licences or raise lic...
2 years ago | 0
Debido a un problema temporal, su Cuenta de MathWorks no está disponible. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
Hi, If the issue still persists, you can go to the Contact Support page, then Create Service Request and then click on Customer...
2 years ago | 0
Sort images in pixelLabelDatastore in serial order
Hi, A pixelLabelDatastore stores files in lexicographical order. For example, if you have twelve files named 'file1.jpg', 'file...
2 years ago | 0
3D dendrogram visualization
Hi, As far as I researched, there is NO such thing as a 3D dendrogram. Since, if you imagine a 2D dendrogram as cluster of diff...
2 years ago | 0
Mouse Button Press distinction between "Left Mouse Button" and "Double Click Button"
Hi, 1. You can add a delay to distinguish single click from a double click, as your double clicks were perceived as two times s...
2 years ago | 0