Amy Haskins
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Best match location data
The following appoach might not scale well if you have a very large number of sites / postcodes to deal with, but might help you...
4 years ago | 0
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Get Point data from geoaxes
Hi Benjamin, Support for using ginput with a geoaxes has been added in R2019a which just came out. Amy
6 years ago | 1
How to shift the center or the longitudes of map plotted using load coast
You could do this by changing the map origin. load coastlines ax = worldmap('World') setm(ax,'Origin',[0,180]) geoshow(ax,co...
6 years ago | 0
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World map scatterm legend issue
If you don't need a specific projection or additional overlays, I would recommend giving geobubble a try instead (introduced in ...
6 years ago | 0
Error when If statement is not true
The problem is with using == on character vectors. Each character is treated as a separate element and compared individually. T...
6 years ago | 0
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Changing color of points plotted with scatterm
It looks like the size is too small for the markers to be visible. I changed 2 to 25 in the line below leaving the rest of your...
6 years ago | 1
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how to use strfind (or other method) to look in cell array to find strings NOT containing a certain pattern
strfind returns the index of where the substring starts rather than a binary value. If the string you are searching for is not f...
6 years ago | 0
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limit elevation ETOPO1
I would try changing the geoshow line to use 'DisplayType', 'texturemap' instead of 'surface' and moving this line before the ca...
6 years ago | 0
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How to delete the 'SourceTable' property of a set of data when using GeoBubble?
You will need to use either all 'Variable' properties or all 'Data' properties with geobubble. The properties whose names end i...
6 years ago | 0
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Problem with z value output when computing elevation along a straight line transect
I think the problem is that the referencing matrix isn't quite right. Assuming your grid is regularly spaced in lat/lon, try us...
7 years ago | 0
wmline using multiple colors
For the case of multiple lines with different colors, wmline expects each line to be a separate element of a geoshape vector. T...
7 years ago | 0
Can I calculate the amount of black and white pixels inside a freehand region?
The mask just tells you which pixels are in the region. To count the black pixels within the mask, you need to look at both in ...
7 years ago | 0
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How to find the third coordinate using MATLAB Mapping Toolbox?
Try the reckon function: https://www.mathworks.com/help/map/ref/reckon.html
7 years ago | 0
Fill and color polygons based on single value
Hi Claire, What you are describing is known as a choropleth map. If you have access to the Mapping Toolbox, you can try foll...
7 years ago | 0
How can I plot Earth (wgs84 Ellipsoid)?
To just get a sense for the shape of the ellipsoid, you could use the values from the wgs84ellipsoid in conjunction with MATLAB'...
7 years ago | 3
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Plotting surfacem on top of worldmap/geoshow
I suspect you're right about it being a stacking problem where the surface is hiding the other items on the map. If you save a ...
8 years ago | 0
How to fix color global map overlap with frame?
Trying to send the polygons to the back with UISTACK didn't seem to work well, but bringing the frame to the front looks like a ...
9 years ago | 0
How do I recenter world map so that North America is at the center instead of Africa?
A simple solution is to use the worldmap syntax that specifies latitude and longitude limits. When you call worldmap('world'), ...
9 years ago | 1
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loading a det (digital elevation terrain) and calculating (line of sight) from a point on the map
The Mapping Toolbox supports importing terrain data in several file formats ( <http://www.mathworks.com/help/map/gridded-terrain...
9 years ago | 0
Image save with colormap
You're using your gray image like an indexed image and applying a colormap. The function ind2rgb will let you convert your g...
9 years ago | 0
Contourcbar acting weird when using caxis on contourfm plot?
contourcbar reflects the discrete nature of contour plots. When you contoured your data using contourfm, each contour level has ...
9 years ago | 1
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Hidden 1D data in a map when using contourm
I have a couple of quick guesses: * When calling geoshow to plot a single point, be sure to use 'displaytype','point'. *...
9 years ago | 1
Mismatch between AREAINT and AREAQUAD around (0,0).
The doc for areaint hints that the accuracy of the function improves with denser sampling. In your you example, you only have t...
9 years ago | 2
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How to export data into text file with flexible formatSpec
'\n' is new line. I think you want '\t' for tabs at the end of each cell and a new line at the end of the row. By adding an in...
9 years ago | 0
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plot heat map on map using Latitude, Longitude and my data value
I think that scatterm will work nicely. It would look something like this: markerSize = 50; scatterm(PointLatLon(:,1), ...
9 years ago | 1
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hide NaNs in geoshow
Try using |'DisplayType', 'surface'| instead of |'texturemap'|. Also try looking at the fourth example on the geoshow doc page ...
9 years ago | 2
Flight data plot on map
The easiest way to import your data from the CSV file is to use READTABLE. I created my own Excel file with some shorter names ...
9 years ago | 0
Given that I have a set of latitiude and longitude in degrees, how can i visualise it in an interactive map?
If you are looking to plot the points or connect them with a line and have R2013b or newer, you can use the wmmarker and wmline ...
9 years ago | 0
how to set background of the color map with shape file/image in hand
Once you've gotten your data into a regular grid of latitudes and longitudes as you've done above, the geoshow function in the M...
9 years ago | 1
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GPS coordinate from jpeg file metadata
The data returned from _imfinfo_ is a structure and the fields can be accessed individually. If you have access to the Mapping ...
10 years ago | 2
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