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How to Load Multiple Text Files Without Sequential Names
I make a folder that contains only the text files you want to combine. Then you can do something like this to load the file path...
5 years ago | 0
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demapp "IQ array of length 6" to "Bits array of length 12"?
How about this? x = [1+j; -1-j; -1+j; 1-j]; result = [real(x)<0, imag(x)<0]; It turns a column vector of imaginary numbers in...
5 years ago | 0
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constructing symatrical matrix out of vector
I'm a little fuzzy on what v is supposed to be (are the off-diagonal elements of H stored in v all multiplied by 2?), so I'll so...
5 years ago | 0
How can i convert time format to do a plot?
You should be able to use regular expressions to extract the hour, minute, second, and ms values from the time stamps and then c...
5 years ago | 0
How to plot 3D data as a 2D color plot (with axes representing parameter values)?
I think I get what you're getting at. When you use imagesc, you're plotting an image. Images have coordinates just like lines a...
5 years ago | 0
Is this a bug in double precision data type?
It's not a bug. What's happening is you're multiplying Inf * 0, which is undefined (it's equivalent to trying to calculate 0/0)....
5 years ago | 2
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Storing data for "for loop"
You can store your L variables either as rows in a matrix: % Create L matrix with a different L value in each row (I only put i...
5 years ago | 0
matrix manipulation - replacing partial matrix subsets in main matrix ???
You can use colon indexing: % Create the two matrices in your example A = ones(3, 5); B = 2 * ones(2, 2); % Use indexing t...
6 years ago | 1
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Reduce trailing zeros of text file
Here's how you use fprintf to export two integer columns followed by three floating point columns: % Create array with 5 column...
6 years ago | 1
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Execute command if timer runs out
A timer object might work: % Define callback callback = @(x,y)disp('hello world'); % Create timer; this will execute TimerF...
6 years ago | 0
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how to set graph size
I'd use daspect to change the aspect ratio of your axes: % Create plot vectors x = [0, 1, 2]; y = [1, 0, 0]; % Plot plot(...
6 years ago | 0
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Tracing boundary in RGB image
You just want the outlines of the colored regions stored in another image, right? You can use the gradient function: % Convert...
6 years ago | 0
Pass GUI information to another GUI depending on a condition
I don't usually use GUIDE, so forgive me if I explain something that GUIDE takes care of automatically. You'll probably want th...
6 years ago | 0
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Geometry question for a pong game
One obvious problem (might be a typo), when you assign _theta_ you use _atan2d_, which returns an angle in degrees, and _atan_, ...
7 years ago | 0
I need to remove some data points from a matrix and then use these points in a function? how would i do this? The matrix is 3x1470, each column refers to XYZ and i am looking to remove all points within a certain radius from the centre.
Here's how to do it using bsxfun: % I'll define 1000 random points in a 100 x 100 x 100 cube (in your case, % you'll jus...
7 years ago | 0
How to display info with mouse over text region inside a figure
Actually, it's not hard at all. MATLAB's pointer manager lets you assign functions to be called whenever the mouse pointer enter...
7 years ago | 3
Unique entries and operations among columns
Try using unique on just the ID's part of the array (I'll assume you're input is called "array"): [ids, ii, jj] = unique(arra...
8 years ago | 1
Dragging an axes with a mouse within a figure: Matlab Gui Guide
I think you want to get the _figure's_ current point and not the _axes'_ current point when calculating your scaling. Getting th...
8 years ago | 0
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Change the mouse pointer while hovering above the axes.
Have you tried using iptPointerManager? It allows you do define pointer behavior when the mouse enters/traverses/exits a graphic...
8 years ago | 4
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Uniformly sampling region defined by linear constraints
I've written a function to do something similar for 1-, 2-, and 3- simplexes (I work mainly with triangle meshes). The approach ...
8 years ago | 0
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Plot 2 Y axes using GUI and Handle structures
I think you might have to make two axes objects on top of each other. Plot your histogram on one and the CDF on the other. % ...
8 years ago | 1