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Matlab 2016a, NI USB 6009 issue
Hi Camey, It is likely that you are trying to communicate with a NI-DAQmx version that is incompatible with the Data Acquisi...
8 years ago | 0
I am using R2016a wih NI PCI-4472 and receive "NIDAQmx driver not installed..." even though I ran Support Package Installer. (WIN10/64) any suggestions?
Hi Jeff, It is likely that you are trying to communicate with a NI-DAQmx version that is incompatible with the Data Acquisiti...
8 years ago | 0
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Problems with the HDL Workflow Advisor
Hi, Please reach out to Technical Support and they should be able to assist you by creating a case. Kindly provide them with...
9 years ago | 0
When using the code generator, how can I exclude definitions that are already made in a different header file?
Hi, 1) If a header file is not defined, the #define constant variables in these header files should not be included. 2) ...
9 years ago | 0
How to set simulink dll parameters
Hi, You can tune the parameters model_P and model_B before running. The Embedded Coder® product provides an ERT target, ...
9 years ago | 0
How to get the time of a running event?
Hi, You can use the tic-toc mechanism to start timing when the trigger is issued, and stop at the point where you want to me...
9 years ago | 0
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I want to apply ML techniques to medical image processing.
Hi, There is a lot of useful information about Statistics and Machine Learning capabilities at the following link: <http:...
9 years ago | 1
How can I get my Simulink model to run in Acceleration mode on Mac OSX?
Hi, Please follow all the steps in the workflow mentioned in the link below: <
9 years ago | 0
why the Matlab editor is so slow to respond to keyboard and editing
Hi, Refer to the link below to address this issue: <
9 years ago | 0
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How to concatenate two columns in one table into one column?
Hi, It is not possible to concatenate two columns after the table has been constructed. You can concatenate the two columns ...
9 years ago | 0
Editor behaves crazily when scrolling down
Hi, This behavior is a known issue in MATLAB. However, it has yet to be consistently reproduced by our developers. Could you...
9 years ago | 0
Import .PTW (video from FLIR IR camera) into workspace
Hi, You can use the VideoReader class to import .PTW files into MATLAB. Refer to this link for documentation and examples of...
9 years ago | 0
Unable to compile .mex files with Windows 7 SDK
Hi, The error is most likely due to a corrupt kernel32.dll file. Reinstalling Windows SDK 7.1 should resolve the issue. P...
9 years ago | 0
How to calculate bandwidth of phase noise?
Hi, Can you elaborate more on what you mean by the term 'Bandwidth of Phase Noise Mask'? To answer your second question, ...
9 years ago | 0
Sceduled Save Routine for Data from Workspace
Hi, It is required to stop the simulation at the end of each day in order to save results to a different mat file whose titl...
9 years ago | 0
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How to specify Dimension of a Bus Object element?
Hi, This is a known issue and is being looked into by the development team. The workaround is to set the dimensions via the ...
9 years ago | 0
s function usage error- code generation
Hi, There is a bug in Simulink 7.8 (R2011b) in the error message produced when advanced storage classes are used in blocks t...
9 years ago | 1
How can I plot multiple graphs from another m-file to GUI axes?
Hi Teemu, Please follow the below workflow: Include the following lines of code in the first file say plotting1.m x =...
9 years ago | 0
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General Simulink Performance Profiler question
Hi, Refer to this link to know more the concepts of Major and Minor time steps: <
9 years ago | 0
How to tell if mclInitializeApplication has already been run in the current process
Hi, You could use global flag variables to record whether mclInitializeApplication() and mclTerminateApplication() have been ...
9 years ago | 0
Vectorize Evaluations of Meshgrid Points
Hi, You can parallelize your code to improve efficiency. Since this is a Monte Carlo simulation, where each run is independe...
9 years ago | 0
How to make S-function for simcoupler for co-simulation of MATLAB and PSIM?
Hi, What is the error message you encountered?
9 years ago | 0
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How do I factor in BW, data rate and Eb/No into a communications physical layer?
Hi, It is possible to combine Eb/No and data rate but not bandwidth. Please refer to this link: <
9 years ago | 0
matlab crashes when using parfor because of low memory
Hi, Can you have variables that are required by each worker declared after opening parpool, and the ones that needn't be dist...
9 years ago | 0
How to add data into the first row of an existing excel sheet and shift the existing data down
Hi Calabrese, This workflow is not possible with xlswrite. The workaround would be to retrieve all the rows in the Excel fi...
9 years ago | 0
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What kind of data type is a CAN message?
Hi, The CAN message is a MATLAB Object. But it cannot be directly used within Stateflow. You could use the pack/unpack block...
9 years ago | 0
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What error message would I get if I didn't have the Aerospace Blockset but ran code that needed it?
Hi, If you used the angle2dcm function when you do not have the Aerospace Blockset, you would encounter the following error m...
9 years ago | 0
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Can I avoid this slow for loop?
Hi Filippo, You can parallelize your code to be executed on different cores on your machine. You can find more information a...
9 years ago | 0
Add folder problems when using Deploytool
Hi Zhichao, When you run the 'deploytool' command, the Application Compiler GUI provides the following sections: 1) Files ...
9 years ago | 0
Why does my image come up twice - once as a HeatMap and once as a figure?
Hi, Please find the following link to be useful resource: <
9 years ago | 0