
Cesar Antonio Lopez Segura

Last seen: 5 years ago Active since 2018

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Solve multiple equations for multipe variables
Hi Roy, Tets this code and let me know if you need some help: a = 4 ;y = 22.5; % Known values xo = 1; % initial b val...

6 years ago | 0

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How to change the interior of the drive in "SimPowerSystems"
Hi Sardor, If you want to change a power system block the firs step should be to do a look under mask: <</matlabcentral/an...

6 years ago | 0

the isnumeric function and the NaN
Hi, Write this in your command window: isnan( [ 0 1 NaN] )

6 years ago | 0

Create a vector z with 1000 elements generated by the rand-function. The generated values must have a mean value of 0.5 (mean(0.5)). And a standard deviation of sqrt(1/100*12), (std(x)).
Hi all Here the code: mu = 0.5; sigma = 0.3464; z = mu + randn(1,1000)*sigma STDcalculated = std( z ) MuCalc...

6 years ago | 1

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Re-write repeated values of a matrix using intermediate increased values
Hi all, I have some problems to rewrite a matrix with the values that I need. The following code do this: * Step0 = a matri...

6 years ago | 2 answers | 0



Creating a matrix index
Hi Edward, Here your question is answered: Z = [ 5,1,3,6,7,8,9,10,4,6]'; size(Z) % check matrix size Matrix5by10...

6 years ago | 0

Error labelling table columns
Hi Luis Eduardo, We need your complete code to help you. But using this example I have not errors. vector = cat( 1,[1:8]...

6 years ago | 0

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implementation of Fibonacci Search
Hi, here your code %% clc;clear all;close all x = [-1000:100:900] a1 = 0.3039 ; b1 = 0.1524 ; c1 = 0.3671 ; a2 = ...

6 years ago | 0

Discrepancies in LQR controller for continuous and discrete time.
Hi Saul, To analyze your question I create two Simulink models. The first one is an open loop plant and second one is a close...

6 years ago | 0

I have another problem. Can someone check and tell me what should I do?
I try to help you but my error msg is 'upsample' function is not defined.

6 years ago | 0

"Vectors must be same length" Please help with plotting!
Hi, What is the value of 'To'? Is 'To' a scalar o vector? The following code has not errors: %% To = 0; h = ...

6 years ago | 0

How can i generate a function using this points?
Hi Here the solution: % Your cloud point x=[1,3,8,25,45,23]; y=[25,24,13,69,25,75]; % calculate a new clou...

6 years ago | 0