
Modess Seyednezhad

Last seen: 2 years ago Active since 2017

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gamultiobj output function error
Hi, I have the same issue. The syntaxt page was not useful for me. I could not find my error. function [history,searchdi...

4 years ago | 0

gaplotpareto not supported for this algorithm
My function is: function COP = simpleMultiObjective(x) % both dT and I0 & COP are vectors % x(1)=dT; % x(2)=I0; % based ...

4 years ago | 1

gaplotpareto not supported for this algorithm
I have the same issue and that Link was not usefule for me. Anyone can help me?

4 years ago | 1

Return only second output in anonymous function
how about when we have: function [f] = f024(theta) f(1) = 23*sin(theta); f(2) = 23*cos(theta); end how can I call only f(2) ...

4 years ago | 0

Simulink: Error in the Jacobian Matrix caused the Simulation to stop at t = 0.0
I got the same error , abut I have reciprocal math function which has a zero denominator at the beginning of the time interval w...

7 years ago | 0

complex numbers in Symbolic Toolbox
But I got this: >> syms a b c d real; F=a+j*b; G=c+j*d; imF=imag(F) imF = b >> D = F/G; >> k=imag(D) k = ...

7 years ago | 0


overlapping time steps in ODE45
Fy is a global variable, center1 is the function that is calling Fy = 1000; Y0 = [0 -0.025 0 0 0 0]'; tspan = 0:0...

7 years ago | 1 answer | 0

