"Model-Based Design Series: Battery Systems" Courseware

Course Materials Include:
- Syllabus
- 19 lectures
- 8 model demos
- 2 problem sets
Model-Based Design Series: Battery Systems
Donald Docimo
Mohammad Ghanaatpishe
Professor Hosam Fathy
Mechanical Engineering
Pennsylvania State University
The Model-Based Design Curriculum is a series of course materials developed through the EcoCAR2 program. EcoCAR2 is an advanced vehicle technology competition that offers hands-on experience to educate the next generation of automotive engineers. The three-year competition challenged 15 universities across North America to reduce the environmental impact of a Chevrolet Malibu without compromising performance, safety, and consumer acceptability.
This curriculum series builds understanding of complex systems through the development of basic models that can be modified to incorporate more complex behaviors. The series is intended to provide a fundamental level of understanding of Model-Based Design techniques, with a focus on hybrid electric vehicle applications.
Battery Systems is the second course in the series. It provides an introduction to batteries, and discusses dynamic battery modeling, battery safety, state of-charge and state-of-health estimations, and power management techniques.
Learning Outcomes
This curriculum series includes self-paced learning modules that teach engineering students:
- The basics of model-based design (what it is, how it is used, why it is useful)
- How to build basic vehicle component models of physical systems such as batteries and vehicle powertrains
- Fundamentals of hybrid system control and fault diagnosis
Download free courseware for Model-Based Design Series: Battery Systems from Pennsylvania State University.

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