Hardware Support

BeagleBone Blue Support from Simulink Coder

Generate and deploy code for BeagleBone Blue

Capabilities and Features

You can design models in Simulink, generate code using Simulink Coder, and run the resulting executables on the BeagleBoard.org® BeagleBone® Blue board. This low-cost, single-board computer is specifically designed for robotics, mechatronics, and controls.

Simulink Coder Support Package for BeagleBone Blue includes:

  • Automated installation and configuration
  • Automatic model deployment for standalone operation
  • A library of Simulink blocks to operate BeagleBone Blue I/Os such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP send and receive, DC motors, LEDs, and encoders

Students, educators, and hobbyists can use this support package to create algorithms for robotics applications and design embedded systems without using manual programming.

They can verify their algorithms in simulation, and then (using industry-standard automatic code generation) implement them as standalone executables on the board.

About BeagleBone Blue

The BeagleBoard.org BeagleBone Blue is a low-cost, single-board, open-hardware computer specifically designed for robotics, mechatronics, and controls. Designed in partnership with the UCSD Coordinated Robotics Lab, this board features an Octavo Systems OSD3358 1GHz ARM® Cortex®-A8, integrated IMU, motor drivers, battery management, and more.

About the BeagleBoard.org Foundation

BeagleBoard.org and BeagleBone are trademarks of the BeagleBoard.org Foundation. The BeagleBoard.org Foundation is a US-based non-profit corporation existing to provide education in and collaboration around the design and use of open-source software and hardware in embedded computing.

Platform and Release Support

See the hardware support package system requirements table for current and prior version, release, and platform availability.

View enhancements and bug fixes in release notes.

BeagleBone Blue Support from Simulink Coder