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Path loss configuration parameters

Since R2021b


The nrPathLossConfig object sets path loss configuration parameters for a specific scenario, as defined in TR 38.901 Section 7.4.1 [1].

The default nrPathLossConfig object configures an urban macrocell scenario with an environment height of 1 m. The default configuration does not use an optional path loss model.



pathlossconf = nrPathLossConfig creates a path loss configuration object.


pathlossconf = nrPathLossConfig(Name=Value) sets properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, BuildingHeight=4 specifies 4 m as the average building height.


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Scenario characteristic, specified as one of these values.

  • 'UMa' — Urban macrocell

  • 'UMi' — Urban microcell

  • 'RMa' — Rural macrocell

  • 'InH' — Indoor hotspot

  • 'InF-SL' — Indoor factory with sparse clutter and low base station (BS) height

  • 'InF-DL' — Indoor factory with dense clutter and low BS height

  • 'InF-SH' — Indoor factory with sparse clutter and high BS height

  • 'InF-DH' — Indoor factory with dense clutter and high BS height

  • 'InF-HH' — Indoor factory with high Tx and high Rx

Data Types: char | string

Average building height, in meters, in a rural macrocell scenario, specified as a numeric scalar in the range from 5 to 50.


To enable this property, set the Scenario property to 'RMa'.

Data Types: double

Average street width, in meters, in a rural macrocell scenario, specified as a numeric scalar in the range from 5 to 50.


To enable this property, set the Scenario property to 'RMa'.

Data Types: double

Average environment height, in meters, in an urban macrocell or microcell scenario, specified as a numeric scalar or numeric matrix of size NBS-by-NUE. NBS is the number of BSs. NUE is the number of user equipments (UEs).


To enable this property, set the Scenario property to 'UMa' or 'UMi'.

Data Types: double

Optional path loss model, specified as one of these numeric or logical values.

  • 0 (false) — The configuration does not use an optional path loss model.

  • 1 (true) — The configuration uses an optional path loss model, as defined in TR 38.901 Section 7.4 Table 7.4.1-1 [1] for urban macrocell, urban microcell, and indoor hotspot scenarios.


To enable this property, set the Scenario property to 'UMa', 'UMi', or 'InH'.

Data Types: double | logical


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Create a path loss configuration object. Set the characteristics such that they correspond to a rural macrocell scenario with an average building height of 7 m and street width of 25 m.

pathlossconf = nrPathLossConfig;
pathlossconf.Scenario = "RMa"; 
pathlossconf.BuildingHeight = 7;
pathlossconf.StreetWidth = 25;

Specify the carrier frequency in Hz.

freq = 3.5e9;

Specify the coordinates of two BSs and ten UEs. The BSs are 1 km apart. The UEs are randomly placed inside a 2 km-by-2 km square region at elevations between 1 m and 2 m.

bs = [-500 500; 0 0; 30 50];
nbs = size(bs,2);
nue = 10;
ue = zeros(3,nue);
ue(1:2,:) = 2e3*(rand(2,nue)-0.5);
ue(3,:) = 1 + rand(1,nue);

Specify the LOS condition between each BS and UE pair.

los = randi([0 1],nbs,nue);

Calculate the path loss between each BS and UE pair.

pathloss = nrPathLoss(pathlossconf,freq,los,bs,ue)
pathloss = 2×10

  109.9708  131.3512  133.6539   85.0968  112.2626  131.3747  110.1649  137.4889  130.5121  110.2199
  123.4839  134.9305  104.4709  125.2657  126.9743  133.3612   97.4411  121.9781  106.9546  105.4779


[1] 3GPP TR 38.901. “Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network.

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Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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