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Tuning Goals

Specify design requirements for command-line tuning

The library of tuning goals lets you capture high-level design requirements in a form suitable for fast automated tuning. TuningGoal objects let you specify design objectives such as reference tracking, overshoot, disturbance rejection, or open-loop stability margins. Use the TuningGoal objects as input arguments to systune to enforce them as constraints (hard goals) or objectives (soft goals). The software tunes the free parameters of the control system to best meet the goals you specify.


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TuningGoal.StepTrackingStep response requirement for control system tuning
TuningGoal.StepRejectionStep disturbance rejection requirement for control system tuning
TuningGoal.TransientTransient matching requirement for control system tuning
TuningGoal.LQGLinear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) goal for control system tuning
TuningGoal.Gain Gain constraint for control system tuning
TuningGoal.VarianceNoise amplification constraint for control system tuning
TuningGoal.Tracking Tracking requirement for control system tuning
TuningGoal.OvershootOvershoot constraint for control system tuning
TuningGoal.Rejection Disturbance rejection requirement for control system tuning
TuningGoal.SensitivitySensitivity requirement for control system tuning
TuningGoal.WeightedGain Frequency-weighted gain constraint for control system tuning
TuningGoal.WeightedVariance Frequency-weighted H2 norm constraint for control system tuning
TuningGoal.MinLoopGainMinimum loop gain constraint for control system tuning
TuningGoal.MaxLoopGainMaximum loop gain constraint for control system tuning
TuningGoal.LoopShape Target loop shape for control system tuning
TuningGoal.Margins Stability margin requirement for control system tuning
TuningGoal.PassivityPassivity constraint for control system tuning
TuningGoal.ConicSectorSector bound for control system tuning
TuningGoal.WeightedPassivityFrequency-weighted passivity constraint
TuningGoal.PolesConstraint on control system dynamics
TuningGoal.ControllerPolesConstraint on controller dynamics for control system tuning


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