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Convert IRDataCurve object to RateSpec


F = toRateSpec(CurveObj,InpDates) computes RateSpec object for input dates for an IRDataCurve object. The RateSpec object that is identical to the RateSpec structure created by the function intenvset.



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This example shows how to convert an IRDataCurve object to a RateSpec. First, an IRDataCurve object is created using the function IRDataCurve constructor with Dates and Data, then this object is converted to a RateSpec structure using the toRateSpec method.

CurveSettle = datetime(2016,3,2);
Data = [2.09 2.47 2.71 3.12 3.43 3.85 4.57 4.58]/100;
Dates = datemnth(CurveSettle,12*[1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30]);
irdc = IRDataCurve('Forward',CurveSettle,Dates,Data);
toRateSpec(irdc, CurveSettle+30:30:CurveSettle+365)
ans = struct with fields:
           FinObj: 'RateSpec'
      Compounding: 2
             Disc: [12x1 double]
            Rates: [12x1 double]
         EndTimes: [12x1 double]
       StartTimes: [12x1 double]
         EndDates: [12x1 double]
       StartDates: 736391
    ValuationDate: 736391
            Basis: 0
     EndMonthRule: 1

Input Arguments

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Interest-rate curve object, specified by using IRDataCurve.

Data Types: object

Input dates, specified as an NINST-by-1 vector using a datetime array, string array, or date character vectors. The input dates must be after the Settle date of IRDataCurve.

To support existing code, toRateSpec also accepts serial date numbers as inputs, but they are not recommended.

Output Arguments

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Rate spec, returned as an object. The RateSpec object that is identical to the RateSpec structure created by the function intenvset.

Alternatively, you can convert the RateSpec object to a ratecurve object (see Convert RateSpec to a ratecurve Object) and then use the Financial Instruments Toolbox™ object-based framework for pricing instruments.

Version History

Introduced in R2008b

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