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Create training options object for neural state-space systems

Since R2022b


    Returns either an Adam, SGDM, RMSProp, or L-BFGS options set object to train an idNeuralStateSpace network using nlssest.

    adamOpts = nssTrainingOptions("adam") returns a default optimizer option set to train an idNeuralStateSpace object using the adaptive moment estimation solver. Use dot notation to access the object properties.


    sgdmOpts = nssTrainingOptions("sgdm") returns a default optimizer option set to train an idNeuralStateSpace object using the stochastic gradient descent with momentum solver. Use dot notation to access the object properties.


    rmspropOpts = nssTrainingOptions("rmsprop") returns a default optimizer option set to train an idNeuralStateSpace object using the root mean square propagation solver. Use dot notation to access the object properties.


    lbfgsOpts = nssTrainingOptions("lbfgs") returns a default optimizer option set to train an idNeuralStateSpace object using the limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno solver. Use dot notation to access the object properties.



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    Use nssTrainingOptions to return an options set object to train an idNeuralStateSpace system.

    adamOpts = nssTrainingOptions("adam")
    adamOpts = 
      nssTrainingADAM with properties:
                      UpdateMethod: "ADAM"
                         LearnRate: 1.0000e-03
               GradientDecayFactor: 0.9000
        SquaredGradientDecayFactor: 0.9990
                         MaxEpochs: 100
                     MiniBatchSize: 1000
                 LearnRateSchedule: "none"
               LearnRateDropFactor: 0.1000
               LearnRateDropPeriod: 10
                            Lambda: 0
                              Beta: 0
                           LossFcn: "MeanAbsoluteError"
                       PlotLossFcn: 1
                  ODESolverOptions: [1x1 idoptions.nssDLODE45]
                  InputInterSample: 'foh'
                        WindowSize: 2.1475e+09
                           Overlap: 0

    Use dot notation to access the object properties.

    adamOpts.PlotLossFcn = false;

    You can use adamOpts as an input argument to nlssest to specify the training options for the state or the non-trivial output network of an idNeuralStateSpace object.

    Use nssTrainingOptions to return an options set object to train an idNeuralStateSpace system.

    sgdmOpts = nssTrainingOptions("sgdm")
    sgdmOpts = 
      nssTrainingSGDM with properties:
               UpdateMethod: "SGDM"
                  LearnRate: 0.0100
                   Momentum: 0.9500
                  MaxEpochs: 100
              MiniBatchSize: 1000
          LearnRateSchedule: "none"
        LearnRateDropFactor: 0.1000
        LearnRateDropPeriod: 10
                     Lambda: 0
                       Beta: 0
                    LossFcn: "MeanAbsoluteError"
                PlotLossFcn: 1
           ODESolverOptions: [1x1 idoptions.nssDLODE45]
           InputInterSample: 'foh'
                 WindowSize: 2.1475e+09
                    Overlap: 0

    Use dot notation to access the object properties.

    sgdmOpts.LearnRate = 0.01;

    You can use sgdmOpts as an input argument to nlssest to specify the training options for the state or the non-trivial output network of an idNeuralStateSpace object.

    Use nssTrainingOptions to return an options set object to train an idNeuralStateSpace system.

    rmspropOpts = nssTrainingOptions("rmsprop")
    rmspropOpts = 
      nssTrainingRMSProp with properties:
                      UpdateMethod: "RMSProp"
                         LearnRate: 1.0000e-03
        SquaredGradientDecayFactor: 0.9000
                         MaxEpochs: 100
                     MiniBatchSize: 1000
                 LearnRateSchedule: "none"
               LearnRateDropFactor: 0.1000
               LearnRateDropPeriod: 10
                            Lambda: 0
                              Beta: 0
                           LossFcn: "MeanAbsoluteError"
                       PlotLossFcn: 1
                  ODESolverOptions: [1x1 idoptions.nssDLODE45]
                  InputInterSample: 'foh'
                        WindowSize: 2.1475e+09
                           Overlap: 0

    Use dot notation to access the object properties.

    rmspropOpts.PlotLossFcn = false;

    You can use rmspropOpts as an input argument to nlssest to specify the training options for the state or the non-trivial output network of an idNeuralStateSpace object.

    Use nssTrainingOptions to return an options set object to train an idNeuralStateSpace system.

    lbfgsOpts = nssTrainingOptions("lbfgs")
    lbfgsOpts = 
      nssTrainingLBFGS with properties:
                       UpdateMethod: "LBFGS"
                   LineSearchMethod: "weak-wolfe"
                      MaxIterations: 100
         MaxNumLineSearchIterations: 20
                        HistorySize: 10
        InitialInverseHessianFactor: 1
                  GradientTolerance: 1.0000e-06
                      StepTolerance: 1.0000e-06
                             Lambda: 0
                               Beta: 0
                            LossFcn: "MeanAbsoluteError"
                        PlotLossFcn: 1
                   ODESolverOptions: [1x1 idoptions.nssDLODE45]
                   InputInterSample: 'foh'
                         WindowSize: 2.1475e+09
                            Overlap: 0

    Use dot notation to access the object properties.

    lbfgsOpts.PlotLossFcn = false;

    You can use lbfgsOpts as an input argument to nlssest to specify the training options for the state or the non-trivial output network of an idNeuralStateSpace object.

    Output Arguments

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    Adam options set object, specified as an nssTrainingADAM object.

    SGDM options set object, specified as an nssTrainingSGDM object.

    RMSProp options set object, specified as an nssTrainingRMSProp object.

    L-BFGS options set object, specified as an nssTrainingLBFGS object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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