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Boundary facets of alpha shape


bf = boundaryFacets(shp) returns a matrix representing the facets that make up the boundary of the alpha shape. The facets represent edge segments in 2-D and triangles in 3-D. The vertices of the facets index into the shp.Points matrix.


bf = boundaryFacets(shp,RegionID) returns the boundary facets for a region of the alpha shape. RegionID is the ID for the region and 1RegionIDnumRegions(shp).

[bf,P] = boundaryFacets(___) also returns a matrix of vertex coordinates, P, using any of the previous syntaxes.


collapse all

Create a set of 3-D points.

[x1, y1, z1] = sphere(24);
x1 = x1(:);
y1 = y1(:);
z1 = z1(:);
x2 = x1+5;
P = [x1 y1 z1; x2 y1 z1];
P = unique(P,'rows');

Create and plot an alpha shape using an alpha radius of 1.5.

shp = alphaShape(P,1.5);
axis equal

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type patch.

Compute and plot only the boundary of the alpha shape.

[tri, xyz] = boundaryFacets(shp);
axis equal

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type patch.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Alpha shape, specified as an alphaShape object. For more information, see alphaShape.

Example: shp = alphaShape(x,y) creates a 2-D alphaShape object from the (x,y) point coordinates.

ID number for region in alpha shape, specified as a positive integer scalar between 1 and numRegions(shp).

An alpha shape can contain several smaller regions, depending on the point set and parameters. Each of these smaller regions is assigned a unique RegionID, which numbers the regions from the largest area or volume to the smallest. For example, consider a 3-D alpha shape with two regions. The region with the largest volume has a RegionID of 1, and the smaller region has a RegionID of 2.

Example: shp.RegionThreshold = area(shp,numRegions(shp)-2); suppresses the two smallest regions in 2-D alpha shape shp.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Boundary facets, returned as a matrix. bf is of size m-by-n, where m is the number of boundary facets and n is the number of vertices per facet.

Vertex coordinates, returned as a matrix. P is of size N-by-dim, where N is the number of points on the boundary of the alpha shape and dim is either 2 or 3 (for either a 2-D or 3-D alpha shape).

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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