Integrate MATLAB Grader with Blackboard (Ultra or Original) — LTI 1.3
To add MATLAB® Grader™ to Blackboard® LTI tool providers, follow the steps in this section.
In each step of this procedure, make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in the text you copy and paste from this page. Otherwise, the integration might not work.
Step 1. Sign in to MATLAB Grader as an LMS Administrator
Only License Administrators can perform integrations. If you are an LMS Administrator at your university, contact your License Administrator to either delegate you as a License Administrator, or do the integration on your behalf. If you need help identifying who your License Administrator is, or if they need help in delegating access to you, contact Install Support.
When you sign in to MATLAB Grader, use the MathWorks® Account associated with the LMS administrator. The account holder must also be a license administrator for managing MathWorks licenses and must have been given access to MATLAB Grader by MathWorks Customer Support or by another license administrator at your university.
Sign in at the URL
and then click LMS
Integration. Alternatively, you can access the page directly at
After you sign in, click Add Deployment. Select
in the Product drop-down list
and Blackboard (Ultra or Original)
in the
Platform drop-down list.
Step 2. Sign in to Blackboard as LMS Administrator
Sign in to your university’s instance of Blackboard (either Ultra or Original) as a user with administrator privileges,
specifically the ability to register a new LTI 1.3/Advantage tool. The URL of the
login page might look similar to this example:
Step 3. Register a New LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool
Go to the Admin or System Admin panel.
Under Integrations, select LTI Tool Providers.
In LTI Tool Providers, click Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool.
Enter the following value into the Client ID field where prompted:
. Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces.Click Submit.
Step 4. Modify LTI 1.3 Tool
In Modify LTI 1.3 Tool, find Deployment ID. Copy the value for Deployment ID. You need this value in a later step.
Scroll down to Institution Policies. Set the values for the fields as indicated in the following table.
Field Name Field Value User Fields to Send Role in Course—Selected
To include learner names in reports accessible to instructors, select or check Name.
Also set Allow Membership Service Access to Yes.
To enable this setting after creating the LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool, edit the existing LTI 1.3 integration and then select this option. Save the LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool.
Otherwise, leave this option unselected.
Email Address
To include learner email addresses in reports accessible to instructors, select or check Email Address.
Also set Allow Membership Service Access to Yes.
To enable this setting after creating the LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool, edit the existing LTI 1.3 integration and then select this option. Save the LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool.
Otherwise, leave this option unselected.
Allow grade service access Yes Allow Membership Service Access To include learner names and email addresses in reports accessible to instructors, set this option to Yes or checked.
Also select Name and Email Address in User Fields to Send.
To enable this setting after creating the deployment, edit the existing LTI 1.3 integration and then select this option. Save the deployment.
Show User Acknowledgement Message No Tool Status Approved Click Submit.
Adding MATLAB Grader as an LTI 1.3 tool using the method described above automatically creates a "Course content tool" Placement in Blackboard. You can review the Placements for MATLAB Grader in the list of LTI Tool Providers by locating MATLAB Grader LTI 1.3 and choosing "Manage Placements."
Step 5. Manage Global Property Settings
While on the LTI Tool Providers list, click Manage Global Properties.
Under Feature Availability, set "Allow configured tool providers to post grades" to Yes.
Click Submit
Step 6. Register LMS Information in MATLAB Grader
On the LMS Integration page:
Under Step 6, provide the following values when prompted.
For all text that you copy and then paste into the integration fields, make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in the text. Otherwise, the integration might not work.
Field Name Field Value Deployment ID Use the Deployment ID value that you obtained in an earlier step.
Click Submit.
The integration is now complete and instructors can add content from MATLAB Grader to their LMS courses.
Get Help
If at any point in this process you require assistance integrating MATLAB Grader with your LMS using LTI 1.3, contact MathWorks Technical Support.