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Integrate MATLAB Grader with Canvas (Instructure) — LTI 1.3

To add MATLAB® Grader™ to Canvas® Apps, follow the steps in this section.


In each step of this procedure, make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in the text you copy and paste from this page. Otherwise, the integration might not work.

Step 1. Sign in to MATLAB Grader as an LMS Administrator


Only License Administrators can perform integrations. If you are an LMS Administrator at your university, contact your License Administrator to either delegate you as a License Administrator, or do the integration on your behalf. If you need help identifying who your License Administrator is, or if they need help in delegating access to you, contact Install Support.

When you sign in to MATLAB Grader, use the MathWorks® Account associated with the LMS administrator. The account holder must also be a license administrator for managing MathWorks licenses and must have been given access to MATLAB Grader by MathWorks Customer Support or by another license administrator at your university.

Sign in at the URL and then click LMS Integration. Alternatively, you can access the page directly at

After you sign in, click Add Deployment. Select MATLAB Grader in the Product drop-down list and Canvas in the Platform drop-down list. You also need to select an Environment.


These instructions apply to the Software as a Service (SaaS)/Cloud-hosted version of the Canvas LMS provided by Instructure®. If you are using a local or on-premise instance of Canvas, select Other in the Platform drop-down list.

Step 2. Sign in to Canvas as an LMS Administrator

Sign in to your university’s LMS instance of Canvas as a user with administrator privileges, specifically the ability to create developer keys and configure LTI apps. The URL of the login page might look like this example:

Step 3. Go to Developer Keys in Canvas

Go to the Developer Keys page. The URL of this page might look like this example:

Step 4. Create a New LTI Key for MATLAB Grader

Following the Canvas instructions in How do I configure an LTI key for an account?, create a new developer key of type “LTI Key” for MATLAB Grader.

  1. In the section Open Account, the account name to select is MathWorks.

  2. Provide the following values when prompted:

    Field NameField Value
    Key NameMATLAB Grader LTI 1.3
    Redirect URL
    NotesAutomatically grade MATLAB code
    TitleMATLAB Grader LTI 1.3
    DescriptionAutomatically grade MATLAB code
    Target Link URI
    OpenID Connect Initiation URL
    JWK MethodPublic JWK URL
    Public JWK URL
  3. Expand Additional Settings and provide the following value when prompted:

    Field NameField Value
    Privacy Level


    To display learner names and emails in reports from MATLAB Grader, set the privacy level to public.

Step 5. Enable LTI Advantage Services

On the Developer Key configuration page, expand the section for LTI Advantage Services and set the services as shown in the following table:


Can create and view assignment data in the gradebook associated with the tool.


Can view assignment data in the gradebook associated with the tool.


Can view submission data for assignments associated with the tool.


Can create and update submission results for assignments associated with the tool.

Can retrieve user data associated with the context the tool is installed in

To include learner names and email addresses in reports accessible to instructors, select this option.

To enable this setting after creating the developer key, edit the existing LTI Key and then select this option. Save the developer key.

Can update public jwk (JSON Web Key) for LTI services.

Can lookup Account informationNo
Can view Progress records associated with the context the tool is installed inNo

The following image from Canvas shows the services selected correctly.

Image shows the LTI Advantage Services selection screen with the required services selected.

Step 6. Create a Placement Assignment Selection

Under Placements, from the drop down menu, select Assignment Selection. Expand the new section for Assignment Selection and provide the following values:

Field NameField Value
Target Link URI
Select Message TypeSelect LtiResourceLinkRequest.

If any other placements exist for Account Navigation or Link Selection, delete them from the list of placements.

Step 7. Save and Enable the Developer Key

  1. On the Developer Key configuration page, click Save and return to the list of developer keys.

  2. On the list of developer keys, locate the key that you just created, and toggle the State of the key from OFF to ON.

  3. Confirm your selection to enable the developer key for MATLAB Grader.

Step 8. Identify the Client ID for MATLAB Grader

In the list of developer keys, identify the newly created key for MATLAB Grader, and copy the numeric client ID value (located under Details). You need this client ID in the following steps.

Step 9. Generate a Deployment ID for MATLAB Grader

  1. In Canvas, go to Settings Apps.

  2. Click View App Configurations.

  3. When the list of enabled external apps is displayed, click + App.

  4. Choose Configuration Type “By Client ID” and enter the numeric client ID value that you obtained in the previous step. Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in this field.

  5. Click Submit. Confirm that you would like to install the MATLAB Grader LTI 1.3 app by clicking Install when prompted.

  6. When the list of installed apps is displayed again, click the gear icon to the right of MATLAB Grader LTI 1.3, and then choose the option Deployment ID.

  7. Copy the value for Deployment ID for MATLAB Grader LTI 1.3. You need this deployment ID in the following steps.

Step 10. Register the LMS Information In MATLAB Grader

On the LMS Integration page:

  1. Under Step 10, provide the values of the fields when prompted. These values depend on the Environment you selected in Step 1. For example, for the production instances of Canvas, you must provide these values.

    Field NameField Value
    Client IDUse the client ID value that you obtained in an earlier step.
    Deployment ID

    Use the deployment ID value that you obtained in an earlier step.

  2. Click Submit.

The integration is now complete and instructors can add content from MATLAB Grader to their LMS courses.

Get Help

If at any point in this process you require assistance integrating MATLAB Grader with your LMS using LTI 1.3, contact MathWorks Technical Support.

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