mat = occupancyMatrix(map)
returns probability values stored in the occupancy grid object as a
mat = occupancyMatrix(map,'ternary')
returns the occupancy status of each grid cell as a matrix. The
OccupiedThreshold and FreeThreshold
properties on the occupancy grid determine the obstacle free cells (0) and
occupied cells (1). Unknown values are returned as –1.
Map representation, specified as a occupancyMap object. This object
represents the environment of the vehicle. The object contains a matrix grid
with values representing the probability of the occupancy of that cell.
Values close to 1 represent a high probability that the cell contains an
obstacle. Values close to 0 represent a high probability that the cell is
not occupied and obstacle free.
Occupancy grid values, returned as an
h-by-w matrix, where
h and w are defined by the two
elements of the GridSize property of the occupancy grid
Data Types: double
Extended Capabilities
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