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Multi-Object Tracking

Create, delete, and manage tracks

Create, delete, and manage tracks for multiple objects. Obtain object positions and velocities.


deleteTrackDelete existing track (Since R2021a)
getTrackPositionsReturns updated track positions and position covariance matrix (Since R2021a)
getTrackVelocitiesObtain updated track velocities and velocity covariance matrix (Since R2021a)
initializeTrackInitialize new track in tracker (Since R2021a)
confirmTrackConfirm tentative track (Since R2022b)
objectDetectionReport for single object detection (Since R2021a)
objectTrackSingle object track report (Since R2021a)
predictTracksToTimePredict tracks to a time stamp (Since R2021a)
radarTrackerMulti-target tracker using GNN assignment (Since R2021a)
getTrackFilterPropertiesObtain values of filter properties from radarTracker (Since R2021a)
setTrackFilterPropertiesSets values of track filter properties (Since R2021a)
trackHistoryLogicConfirm and delete tracks based on recent track history (Since R2021a)
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