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Data for surface plotter

Since R2022b


plotterData = surfacePlotterData(manager) returns a data structure plotData that you can use as input to the plotSurface function for plotting surfaces managed by the SurfaceManager object manager.


plotData = surfacePlotterData(___,colorMap) specifies the color map for the plot data.


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Create a radar scenario.

scenario = radarScenario;

Define the terrain and boundaries of two surfaces and add the two surfaces to the radar scenario.

terrain1 = randi(100,4,5);
terrain2 = randi(100,3,3);
boundary1 = [0 100;
    0 100-eps];
boundary2 = [0 100;
    100 200];
s1 = landSurface(scenario,Terrain=terrain1,Boundary=boundary1);
s2 = landSurface(scenario,Terrain=terrain2,Boundary=boundary2);

Obtain the plotter data by using the surfacePlotterData function.

plotterData = surfacePlotterData(scenario.SurfaceManager)
plotterData=1×2 struct array with fields:

Create a theaterPlot object and specify the axis limits of the plot.

theaterpplot = theaterPlot(XLimits=[0 100],YLimits=[-50 250],ZLimits=[-100 100]);

Create a surface plotter.

plotter = surfacePlotter(theaterpplot,DisplayName="Surfaces");

Plot surfaces in the theater plot. Change view angles for better visualization.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 2 objects of type patch. These objects represent Surfaces.

Input Arguments

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Surface manager, specified as a surface manager object.

Color map used for plotting surfaces, specified as a three-column matrix of RGB triplets. An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities can be double or single values in the range [0, 1], or they can be uint8 values in the range [0, 255]. For example, this matrix defines a colormap containing five colors:

map = [0.2 0.1 0.5
       0.1 0.5 0.8
       0.2 0.7 0.6
       0.8 0.7 0.3
       0.9 1   0];

Colordouble or single RGB Tripletuint8 RGB Triplet
yellow[1 1 0][255 255 0]
magenta[1 0 1][255 0 255]
cyan[0 1 1][0 255 255]
red[1 0 0][255 0 0]
green[0 1 0][0 255 0]
blue[0 0 1][0 0 255]
white[1 1 1][255 255 255]
black[0 0 0][0 0 0]

Output Arguments

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Plotter data, returned as a P-element array of structures, where P is the number of surfaces saved in the Surfaces property of the SurfaceManager object manager. Each structure has these fields:

Field NameDescription
XDomain of the surface in the x-direction, returned as an M-element real-valued vector. M is the number of x-coordinates for defining the terrain of the surface.
YDomain of the surface in the y-direction, returned as an N-element real-valued vector. N is the number of y-coordinates for defining the terrain of the surface.
ZHeight values of the surface, returned as an N-by-M real-valued matrix. N is the number of elements in the Y field, and M is the number of elements in the X field.
CColor for vertices in the terrain of the surface, returned as an N-by-M-by-3 matrix of RGB triplets. N is the number of elements in the Y field, and M is the number of elements in the X field. The plotSurface function determines the color of a surface patch based on the color of its first vertex.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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