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Evaluate parameter value expression


param_value = slreportgen.utils.getResolvedParamValue(block,parameter) returns the value of a block parameter. The value of the parameter is an evaluated MATLAB® expression that includes references to workspace variables. This utility produces an slreportgen:UnresolvableExpression error if it cannot find expression variables in the MATLAB or model workspace.



Obtain Parameter Value

numval = slreportgen.utils.getResolvedParamValue...
   ('f14/Actuator Model','Numerator')
numval =


Input Arguments

collapse all

Block name, specified as a string or character array of the block name or block handle.

Block parameter name, specified as a string or character array.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Value of block parameter. The data type of the returned value depends on the specific parameter.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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