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Tires and Vehicles

Simple and complex tires, vehicle bodies

Blocks in the Simscape™ Driveline™ Tires and Vehicles library allow you to test the response of your driveline model under various and variable environmental conditions. You can also add fidelity to your model by specifying properties such as compliance, inertia, and rolling resistance for the tires and center of gravity and frontal area for the vehicle body.


sdlUtility.tirreadImport TIR file to Tire (Magic Formula) block (Since R2022b)

Simscape Blocks

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Longitudinal VehicleLongitudinal motion abstract vehicle with ideal brakes and tires (Since R2021b)
Road ProfileRoad profile with varying elevation and friction properties
Tire (Friction Parameterized)Tire with friction parameterized in terms of static and kinetic coefficients
Tire (Magic Formula)Tire defined by Magic Formula coefficients
Tire (Simple)No-slip tire model with minimal parameters
Vehicle BodyVehicle body with two axles in longitudinal motion
Rolling ResistanceModel rolling resistance
Tire-Road Interaction (Magic Formula)Tire-road dynamics given by Magic Formula coefficients


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