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Dashboard properties

Use the Dashboard properties to deploy Customizable Dashboard blocks on Android devices. The Simulink® Support Package for Android® Devices now supports deploying Circular Gauge and Knob blocks on Android devices such as phones and tablets. You can configure Dashboard properties and obtain the what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) visualization on the application deployed on your Android device or on an external web browser.

Dashboard block type

Select the type of Dashboard blocks that you want to deploy on your Android device. You can use either the regular Dashboard blocks or the Customizable Dashboard blocks in one Simulink model but not both.


Default: Regular


IP address type

Select the IP address that the web server uses to host the dashboard.

  • Device address — Host web server for the dashboard on the physical IP address of your Android device. This option allows you to view the dashboard on the web browser of any external device as long as the Android device and the external device are connected to the same network.

  • Localhost — Host web server for the dashboard on the localhost ( This option allows you to view the dashboard on the application deployed on an Android device.


Default: Device address


WebSocket port

Enter the port number that the WebSocket server uses to transfer data between the application deployed on your Android device and the dashboard hosted on the web page.


Default: 8000

HTTP port

Enter the port number that the HTTP server uses to host the dashboard on the web page.


Default: 8888

Generated UI layout on device to be

Select option to scale the user interface (UI) components of the application to fit the screen size of your Android device.

  • Fit to Screen — Rescale the size of the UI components to fit the screen size of your Android device.

  • Actual Size — Retain the original size of the UI components when deploying them on your Android device.


Default: Fit to Screen

Actual Size

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