Class: ClassificationLinear
Predict labels for linear classification models
also returns classification scores for both
classes using any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.
= predict(___)Score
contains classification scores for each regularization strength
in Mdl
Input Arguments
— Binary, linear classification model
model object
Binary, linear classification model, specified as a ClassificationLinear
model object.
You can create a ClassificationLinear
model object
using fitclinear
— Predictor data to be classified
full numeric matrix | sparse numeric matrix | table
Predictor data to be classified, specified as a full or sparse numeric matrix or a table.
By default, each row of X
corresponds to one observation, and
each column corresponds to one variable.
For a numeric matrix:
The variables in the columns of
must have the same order as the predictor variables that trainedMdl
.If you train
using a table (for example,Tbl
) andTbl
contains only numeric predictor variables, thenX
can be a numeric matrix. To treat numeric predictors inTbl
as categorical during training, identify categorical predictors by using theCategoricalPredictors
name-value pair argument offitclinear
. IfTbl
contains heterogeneous predictor variables (for example, numeric and categorical data types) andX
is a numeric matrix, thenpredict
throws an error.
For a table:
does not support multicolumn variables or cell arrays other than cell arrays of character vectors.If you train
using a table (for example,Tbl
), then all predictor variables inX
must have the same variable names and data types as the variables that trainedMdl
(stored inMdl.PredictorNames
). However, the column order ofX
does not need to correspond to the column order ofTbl
. Also,Tbl
can contain additional variables (response variables, observation weights, and so on), butpredict
ignores them.If you train
using a numeric matrix, then the predictor names inMdl.PredictorNames
must be the same as the corresponding predictor variable names inX
. To specify predictor names during training, use thePredictorNames
name-value pair argument offitclinear
. All predictor variables inX
must be numeric vectors.X
can contain additional variables (response variables, observation weights, and so on), butpredict
ignores them.
If you orient your predictor matrix so that observations correspond to columns and
specify 'ObservationsIn','columns'
, then you might experience a
significant reduction in optimization execution time. You cannot specify
for predictor data in a table.
Data Types: table
| double
| single
— Predictor data observation dimension
(default) | 'columns'
Predictor data observation dimension, specified as 'columns'
If you orient your predictor matrix so that observations correspond to columns and
specify 'ObservationsIn','columns'
, then you might experience a
significant reduction in optimization execution time. You cannot specify
for predictor data in a table.
Output Arguments
— Predicted class labels
categorical array | character array | logical matrix | numeric matrix | cell array of character vectors
Predicted class labels, returned as a categorical or character array, logical or numeric matrix, or cell array of character vectors.
The predict
function classifies an observation into the class yielding the highest score. For an observation with NaN
scores, the
function classifies the observation into the majority class, which makes up the largest
proportion of the training labels.
In most cases, Label
is an n-by-L
array of the same data type as the observed class labels (Y
) used to
train Mdl
. (The software treats string arrays as cell arrays of character
n is the number of observations in X
L is the number of regularization strengths in
. That is,
is the predicted class label for observation i
using the
linear classification model that has regularization strength
If Y
is a character array and L >
1, then Label
is a cell array of class labels.
— Classification scores
numeric array
scores, returned as a n-by-2-by-L numeric
array. n is the number of observations in X
and L is
the number of regularization strengths in Mdl.Lambda
. Score(
the score for classifying observation i
class k
using the linear classification
model that has regularization strength Mdl.Lambda(
. j
the order of the classes.
If Mdl.Learner
is 'logistic'
then classification scores are posterior probabilities.
Predict Training-Sample Labels
Load the NLP data set.
load nlpdata
is a sparse matrix of predictor data, and Y
is a categorical vector of class labels. There are more than two classes in the data.
The models should identify whether the word counts in a web page are from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ documentation. So, identify the labels that correspond to the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ documentation web pages.
Ystats = Y == 'stats';
Train a binary, linear classification model using the entire data set, which can identify whether the word counts in a documentation web page are from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ documentation.
rng(1); % For reproducibility
Mdl = fitclinear(X,Ystats);
is a ClassificationLinear
Predict the training-sample, or resubstitution, labels.
label = predict(Mdl,X);
Because there is one regularization strength in Mdl
, label
is column vectors with lengths equal to the number of observations.
Construct a confusion matrix.
ConfusionTrain = confusionchart(Ystats,label);
The model misclassifies only one 'stats'
documentation page as being outside of the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox documentation.
Predict Test-Sample Labels
Load the NLP data set and preprocess it as in Predict Training-Sample Labels. Transpose the predictor data matrix.
load nlpdata Ystats = Y == 'stats'; X = X';
Train a binary, linear classification model that can identify whether the word counts in a documentation web page are from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ documentation. Specify to hold out 30% of the observations. Optimize the objective function using SpaRSA.
rng(1) % For reproducibility CVMdl = fitclinear(X,Ystats,'Solver','sparsa','Holdout',0.30,... 'ObservationsIn','columns'); Mdl = CVMdl.Trained{1};
is a ClassificationPartitionedLinear
model. It contains the property Trained
, which is a 1-by-1 cell array holding a ClassificationLinear
model that the software trained using the training set.
Extract the training and test data from the partition definition.
trainIdx = training(CVMdl.Partition); testIdx = test(CVMdl.Partition);
Predict the training- and test-sample labels.
labelTrain = predict(Mdl,X(:,trainIdx),'ObservationsIn','columns'); labelTest = predict(Mdl,X(:,testIdx),'ObservationsIn','columns');
Because there is one regularization strength in Mdl
, labelTrain
and labelTest
are column vectors with lengths equal to the number of training and test observations, respectively.
Construct a confusion matrix for the training data.
ConfusionTrain = confusionchart(Ystats(trainIdx),labelTrain);
The model misclassifies only three documentation pages as being outside of Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox documentation.
Construct a confusion matrix for the test data.
ConfusionTest = confusionchart(Ystats(testIdx),labelTest);
The model misclassifies three documentation pages as being outside the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, and two pages as being inside.
Estimate Posterior Class Probabilities
Estimate test-sample, posterior class probabilities, and determine the quality of the model by plotting a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Linear classification models return posterior probabilities for logistic regression learners only.
Load the NLP data set and preprocess it as in Predict Test-Sample Labels.
load nlpdata Ystats = Y == 'stats'; X = X';
Randomly partition the data into training and test sets by specifying a 30% holdout sample. Identify the test-set indices.
cvp = cvpartition(Ystats,'Holdout',0.30);
idxTest = test(cvp);
Train a binary linear classification model. Fit logistic regression learners using SpaRSA. To hold out the test set, specify the partitioned model.
CVMdl = fitclinear(X,Ystats,'ObservationsIn','columns','CVPartition',cvp,... 'Learner','logistic','Solver','sparsa'); Mdl = CVMdl.Trained{1};
is a ClassificationLinear
model trained using the training set specified in the partition cvp
Predict the test-sample posterior class probabilities.
[~,posterior] = predict(Mdl,X(:,idxTest),'ObservationsIn','columns');
Because there is one regularization strength in Mdl
, posterior
is a matrix with 2 columns and rows equal to the number of test-set observations. Column i contains posterior probabilities of Mdl.ClassNames(i)
given a particular observation.
Compute the performance metrics (true positive rates and false positive rates) for a ROC curve and find the area under the ROC curve (AUC) value by creating a rocmetrics
rocObj = rocmetrics(Ystats(idxTest),posterior,Mdl.ClassNames);
Plot the ROC curve for the second class by using the plot
function of rocmetrics
The ROC curve indicates that the model classifies the test-sample observations almost perfectly.
Find Good Lasso Penalty Using AUC
To determine a good lasso-penalty strength for a linear classification model that uses a logistic regression learner, compare test-sample values of the AUC.
Load the NLP data set. Preprocess the data as in Predict Test-Sample Labels.
load nlpdata Ystats = Y == 'stats'; X = X';
Create a data partition that specifies to holdout 10% of the observations. Extract test-sample indices.
rng(10); % For reproducibility Partition = cvpartition(Ystats,'Holdout',0.10); testIdx = test(Partition); XTest = X(:,testIdx); n = sum(testIdx)
n = 3157
YTest = Ystats(testIdx);
There are 3157 observations in the test sample.
Create a set of 11 logarithmically-spaced regularization strengths from through .
Lambda = logspace(-6,-0.5,11);
Train binary, linear classification models that use each of the regularization strengths. Optimize the objective function using SpaRSA. Lower the tolerance on the gradient of the objective function to 1e-8
CVMdl = fitclinear(X,Ystats,'ObservationsIn','columns',... 'CVPartition',Partition,'Learner','logistic','Solver','sparsa',... 'Regularization','lasso','Lambda',Lambda,'GradientTolerance',1e-8)
CVMdl = ClassificationPartitionedLinear CrossValidatedModel: 'Linear' ResponseName: 'Y' NumObservations: 31572 KFold: 1 Partition: [1x1 cvpartition] ClassNames: [0 1] ScoreTransform: 'none'
Extract the trained linear classification model.
Mdl1 = CVMdl.Trained{1}
Mdl1 = ClassificationLinear ResponseName: 'Y' ClassNames: [0 1] ScoreTransform: 'logit' Beta: [34023x11 double] Bias: [-11.9079 -11.9079 -11.9079 -11.9079 -9.3362 -6.4290 -5.1424 -4.4991 -3.5732 -3.1742 -2.9839] Lambda: [1.0000e-06 3.5481e-06 1.2589e-05 4.4668e-05 1.5849e-04 5.6234e-04 0.0020 0.0071 0.0251 0.0891 0.3162] Learner: 'logistic'
is a ClassificationLinear
model object. Because Lambda
is a sequence of regularization strengths, you can think of Mdl
as 11 models, one for each regularization strength in Lambda
Estimate the test-sample predicted labels and posterior class probabilities.
[label,posterior] = predict(Mdl1,XTest,'ObservationsIn','columns'); Mdl1.ClassNames; posterior(3,1,5)
ans = 1.0000
is a 3157-by-11 matrix of predicted labels. Each column corresponds to the predicted labels of the model trained using the corresponding regularization strength. posterior
is a 3157-by-2-by-11 matrix of posterior class probabilities. Columns correspond to classes and pages correspond to regularization strengths. For example, posterior(3,1,5)
indicates that the posterior probability that the first class (label 0
) is assigned to observation 3 by the model that uses Lambda(5)
as a regularization strength is 1.0000.
For each model, compute the AUC by using rocmetrics
auc = 1:numel(Lambda); % Preallocation for j = 1:numel(Lambda) rocObj = rocmetrics(YTest,posterior(:,:,j),Mdl1.ClassNames); auc(j) = rocObj.AUC(1); end
Higher values of Lambda
lead to predictor variable sparsity, which is a good quality of a classifier. For each regularization strength, train a linear classification model using the entire data set and the same options as when you trained the model. Determine the number of nonzero coefficients per model.
Mdl = fitclinear(X,Ystats,'ObservationsIn','columns',... 'Learner','logistic','Solver','sparsa','Regularization','lasso',... 'Lambda',Lambda,'GradientTolerance',1e-8); numNZCoeff = sum(Mdl.Beta~=0);
In the same figure, plot the test-sample error rates and frequency of nonzero coefficients for each regularization strength. Plot all variables on the log scale.
figure yyaxis left plot(log10(Lambda),log10(auc),'o-') ylabel('log_{10} AUC') yyaxis right plot(log10(Lambda),log10(numNZCoeff + 1),'o-') ylabel('log_{10} nonzero-coefficient frequency') xlabel('log_{10} Lambda') title('Test-Sample Statistics') hold off
Choose the index of the regularization strength that balances predictor variable sparsity and high AUC. In this case, a value between to should suffice.
idxFinal = 9;
Select the model from Mdl
with the chosen regularization strength.
MdlFinal = selectModels(Mdl,idxFinal);
is a ClassificationLinear
model containing one regularization strength. To estimate labels for new observations, pass MdlFinal
and the new data to predict
More About
Classification Score
For linear classification models, the raw classification score for classifying the observation x, a row vector, into the positive class is defined by
For the model with regularization strength j, is the estimated column vector of coefficients (the model property
) and is the estimated, scalar bias (the model property
The raw classification score for classifying x into the negative class is –f(x). The software classifies observations into the class that yields the positive score.
If the linear classification model consists of logistic regression learners, then the
software applies the 'logit'
score transformation to the raw
classification scores (see ScoreTransform
Alternative Functionality
Simulink Block
To integrate the prediction of a linear classification model into Simulink®, you can use the ClassificationLinear
Predict block in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ library or a MATLAB® Function block with the predict
function. For examples,
see Predict Class Labels Using ClassificationLinear Predict Block and Predict Class Labels Using MATLAB Function Block.
When deciding which approach to use, consider the following:
If you use the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox library block, you can use the Fixed-Point Tool (Fixed-Point Designer) to convert a floating-point model to fixed point.
Support for variable-size arrays must be enabled for a MATLAB Function block with the
function.If you use a MATLAB Function block, you can use MATLAB functions for preprocessing or post-processing before or after predictions in the same MATLAB Function block.
Extended Capabilities
Tall Arrays
Calculate with arrays that have more rows than fit in memory.
function supports tall arrays with the following usage
notes and limitations:
does not support talltable
For more information, see Tall Arrays.
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Usage notes and limitations:
You can generate C/C++ code for both
by using a coder configurer. Or, generate code only forpredict
by usingsaveLearnerForCoder
, andcodegen
.Code generation for
— Create a coder configurer by usinglearnerCoderConfigurer
and then generate code by usinggenerateCode
. Then you can update model parameters in the generated code without having to regenerate the code.Code generation for
— Save a trained model by usingsaveLearnerForCoder
. Define an entry-point function that loads the saved model by usingloadLearnerForCoder
and calls thepredict
function. Then usecodegen
(MATLAB Coder) to generate code for the entry-point function.
To generate single-precision C/C++ code for
, specify the name-value argument"DataType","single"
when you call theloadLearnerForCoder
function.This table contains notes about the arguments of
. Arguments not included in this table are fully supported.Argument Notes and Limitations Mdl
For the usage notes and limitations of the model object, see Code Generation of the
For general code generation,
must be a single-precision or double-precision matrix or a table containing numeric variables, categorical variables, or both.In the coder configurer workflow,
must be a single-precision or double-precision matrix.The number of observations in
can be a variable size, but the number of variables inX
must be fixed.If you want to specify
as a table, then your model must be trained using a table, and your entry-point function for prediction must do the following:Accept data as arrays.
Create a table from the data input arguments and specify the variable names in the table.
Pass the table to
For an example of this table workflow, see Generate Code to Classify Data in Table. For more information on using tables in code generation, see Code Generation for Tables (MATLAB Coder) and Table Limitations for Code Generation (MATLAB Coder).
Name-value pair arguments Names in name-value arguments must be compile-time constants.
The value for the
name-value pair argument must be a compile-time constant. For example, to use the'ObservationsIn','columns'
name-value pair argument in the generated code, include{coder.Constant('ObservationsIn'),coder.Constant('columns')}
in the-args
value ofcodegen
(MATLAB Coder).
For more information, see Introduction to Code Generation.
GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
This function fully supports GPU arrays. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions on a GPU (Parallel Computing Toolbox).
Version History
Introduced in R2016aR2024a: Specify GPU arrays (requires Parallel Computing Toolbox)
fully supports GPU arrays.
See Also
| loss
| fitclinear
| confusionchart
| rocmetrics
| testcholdout
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