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Convert dataset array to table


t = dataset2table(ds) converts a dataset array to a table.



collapse all

Load the sample data, which contains nutritional information for 77 cereals.

load cereal;

Create a dataset array containing the calorie, protein, fat, and name data for the first five cereals. Label the variables.

Calories = Calories(1:5);
Protein = Protein(1:5);
Fat = Fat(1:5);
Name = Name(1:5);

cereal = dataset(Calories,Protein,Fat,'ObsNames',Name)
cereal = 
                                 Calories    Protein    Fat
    100% Bran                     70         4          1  
    100% Natural Bran            120         3          5  
    All-Bran                      70         4          1  
    All-Bran with Extra Fiber     50         4          0  
    Almond Delight               110         2          2  

cereal.Properties.VarDescription = Variables(4:6,2);

Convert the dataset array to a table.

t = dataset2table(cereal)
t=5×3 table
                                 Calories    Protein    Fat
                                 ________    _______    ___

    100% Bran                       70          4        1 
    100% Natural Bran              120          3        5 
    All-Bran                        70          4        1 
    All-Bran with Extra Fiber       50          4        0 
    Almond Delight                 110          2        2 

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input dataset array to convert to a table, specified as a dataset array. Each variable in ds becomes a variable in the output table t.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Output table, returned as a table. The table can store metadata such as descriptions, variable units, variable names, and row names. For more information, see Tables.

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

See Also



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