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Create DeepLab v3+ convolutional neural network for semantic image segmentation

Since R2024a


deepLabNetwork = deeplabv3plus(imageSize,numClasses,network) returns a DeepLab v3+ layer with the specified base network, number of classes, and image size.


deepLabNetwork = deeplabv3plus(___,DownsamplingFactor=value) additionally sets the downsampling factor (output stride) [1] to either 8 or 16. The downsampling factor sets the amount the encoder section of DeepLab v3+ downsamples the input image.


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Create a DeepLab v3+ network based on ResNet-18.

imageSize = [480 640 3];
numClasses = 5;
network = "resnet18";
net = deeplabv3plus(imageSize,numClasses,network, ...

Display the network.


Load the triangle data set images using an image datastore. The datastore contains 200 grayscale images of random triangles. Each image is 32-by-32.

dataSetDir = fullfile(toolboxdir("vision"),"visiondata","triangleImages");
imageDir = fullfile(dataSetDir,"trainingImages");
imds = imageDatastore(imageDir);

Load the triangle data set pixel labels using a pixel label datastore.

labelDir = fullfile(dataSetDir, "trainingLabels");
classNames = ["triangle","background"];
labelIDs   = [255 0];
pxds = pixelLabelDatastore(labelDir,classNames,labelIDs);

Create a DeepLab v3+ network.

imageSize = [256 256];
numClasses = numel(classNames);
net = deeplabv3plus(imageSize,numClasses,"resnet18");

Combine image and pixel label data for training and apply a preprocessing transform to resize the training images.

cds = combine(imds,pxds);
tds = transform(cds, @(data)preprocessTrainingData(data,imageSize));

Specify training options. Lower the mini-batch size to reduce memory usage.

opts = trainingOptions("sgdm",...

Train the network.

net = trainnet(tds,net,"crossentropy",opts);
    Iteration    Epoch    TimeElapsed    LearnRate    TrainingLoss
    _________    _____    ___________    _________    ____________
            1        1       00:00:04         0.01         0.93844
           50        2       00:04:09         0.01        0.033749
           75        3       00:05:35         0.01        0.026353
Training stopped: Max epochs completed

Read a test image.

I = imread("triangleTest.jpg");

Resize the test image by a factor equal to the input image size divided by 32 so that the triangles in the test image are roughly equal to the size of the triangles during training.

I = imresize(I,Scale=imageSize./32);

Segment the image.

C = semanticseg(I,net);

Display the results.

B = labeloverlay(I,C);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

Supporting Functions

function data = preprocessTrainingData(data, imageSize)
% Resize the training image and associated pixel label image.
data{1} = imresize(data{1},imageSize);
data{2} = imresize(data{2},imageSize);

% Convert grayscale input image into RGB for use with ResNet-18, which
% requires RGB image input.
data{1} = repmat(data{1},1,1,3);

Input Arguments

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Network input image size, specified as a:

  • 2-element vector in the format [height, width].

  • 3-element vector in the format [height, width, 3]. The third element, 3, corresponds to RGB.

Number of classes for network to classify, specified as an integer greater than 1.

Base network, specified as resnet18 (Deep Learning Toolbox), resnet50 (Deep Learning Toolbox), mobilenetv2 (Deep Learning Toolbox), xception (Deep Learning Toolbox), or inceptionresnetv2 (Deep Learning Toolbox). You must install the corresponding network add-on.

Output Arguments

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DeepLab v3+ network, returned as a dlnetwork (Deep Learning Toolbox) object for semantic image segmentation. The network uses encoder-decoder architecture, dilated convolutions, and skip connections to segment images. You must use the trainnet (Deep Learning Toolbox) function (requires Deep Learning Toolbox™) to train the network before you can use the network for semantic segmentation.


  • When you use either the xception (Deep Learning Toolbox) or mobilenetv2 (Deep Learning Toolbox) base networks to create a DeepLab v3+ network, depth separable convolutions are used in the atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) and decoder subnetworks. For all other base networks, convolution layers are used.

  • This implementation of DeepLab v3+ does not include a global average pooling layer in the ASPP.


[1] Chen, L., Y. Zhu, G. Papandreou, F. Schroff, and H. Adam. "Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation." Computer Vision — ECCV 2018, 833-851. Munic, Germany: ECCV, 2018.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

See Also



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