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1-D and 2-D lifting, Local polynomial transforms, Laurent polynomials

Lifting allows you to progressively design perfect reconstruction filter banks with specific properties. For lifting information and an example, see Lifting Method for Constructing Wavelets.


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filters2lpFilters to Laurent polynomials (Since R2021b)
liftingSchemeCreate lifting scheme for lifting wavelet transform (Since R2021a)
liftingStepCreate elementary lifting step (Since R2021a)
lwt1-D lifting wavelet transform (Since R2021a)
ilwtInverse 1-D lifting wavelet transform (Since R2021a)
laurentMatrixCreate Laurent matrix (Since R2021b)
laurentPolynomialCreate Laurent polynomial (Since R2021b)
liftfiltApply elementary lifting steps on filters (Since R2021b)
lwt22-D Lifting wavelet transform (Since R2021b)
ilwt2Inverse 2-D lifting wavelet transform (Since R2021b)
lwtcoefExtract or reconstruct 1-D LWT wavelet coefficients and orthogonal projections (Since R2021a)
lwtcoef2Extract 2-D LWT wavelet coefficients and orthogonal projections (Since R2021b)
wave2lpLaurent polynomials associated with wavelet (Since R2021b)
mlptMultiscale local 1-D polynomial transform
imlptInverse multiscale local 1-D polynomial transform
mlptreconReconstruct signal using inverse multiscale local 1-D polynomial transform
mlptdenoiseDenoise signal using multiscale local 1-D polynomial transform


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