How to expand exponential of symbolic expression

2 views (last 30 days)
Basically i have a huge expression that has a lot of exp((a+bi)*t) terms.
Where a and b are numeric.
What i want is to separate out exp(bi*t) so that i can expand it to cos(bt)+isin(bt). How do i do this?

Answers (3)

Sanil Mhatre
Sanil Mhatre on 8 Dec 2016
syms b t
cos(b*t) + sin(b*t)*1i end

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 4 Nov 2013
Why are you expecting exp(2*t)*exp(3i*t) ?
2*t and 3*i*t are the same degree
Try this
syms t
% Result

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Nov 2013
exp(2*t)*exp(3i*t) expanded is exp(t)*exp(t)*exp(i*t)*exp(i*t)*exp(i*t) . Then automatically gather the identical terms to get exp(t)^2 * exp(i*t)^3 . There is no reason to expect that exp(2*t) * exp(3*i*t) would be given instead when you use expand()

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