How to write a script to display an input of 10 times?

2 views (last 30 days)
Write a script to ask the user to input an integer number between 0 and 255, and output the number to the screen between the characters '<' and '>'. This input and display operation should be repeated 10 for 10 times. After the 10th iteration the script should save all the input numbers to a text file in a human readable form.
Develop a user function to do the following check for each number entered: If the number entered is bigger than 255, the script should print a message " error: value too big." to the screen. If a negative number is entered, no matter what is the exact number, the script should convert it to -1.

Answers (1)

Ibrahim Mohammed Wajid
Ibrahim Mohammed Wajid on 4 Jul 2022
Edited: Ibrahim Mohammed Wajid on 4 Jul 2022
function numberCheck(n)
if n > 255
disp("error: value too big.");
if n < 0
n = -1;
n = input('enter a number between 0 and 255');
n = input('enter a number between 0 and 255');
  1 Comment
Muhammadjawad on 5 Dec 2022
How do you wrie for ' After the 10th iteration the script should save all the input numbers to a text file in a human readable form.'

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