delete high intensity with low connectivity from gray scale image
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i need to remove the high intensity pixels from gray scale image those image have less connectivity as well. as i want to remove the artifacts from image
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 18 Jan 2014
You forgot to post your image. How are we supposed to recommend artifact removal algorithms if we can't see the image?
Also, an image needs to be a rectangular array, so pixels can't be removed . You can set them to some value like 0. What are you thinking of when you say "remove"? Or you can crop the image to the bounding box of some region.
I'm not sure what you mean by less connectivity when you say "i need to remove the high intensity pixels from gray scale image those image have less connectivity as well. as i want to remove the artifacts from image". Please define that.
Image Analyst
on 19 Jan 2014
Edited: Image Analyst
on 19 Jan 2014
I would guess that the original image has the data and the annotation as separate objects in the image file. Was this a dicom file? I don't use medical images like that but I would guess that the image is available inside the file without the annotation burned into it. If that's not available, then the annotation is probably a value of 255 or 65535, and hopefully no head pixels are that intensity, so you can just set those to black:
grayImage(grayImage == 255) = 0;
If the writing is in the head, you need to do a modified median filter, like the attached demo to remove salt and pepper noise.
More Answers (1)
Ana Alves
on 11 Feb 2015
Dear all,
I am newby in Imge processing with matlab and I am facing a trouble, for which I need some help/advice.
I have a set of greyscale images where is slighly visible a lighter curve that I want to stand out for further analysis. I tried to do that with the 'Canny' edge detector, but in those images I have also white styrofoam beads (needed for another analysis) that are detected and surrounded. How can I just keep the "curve" (that it is not so bright as the styrofoam beads) for further analysis as the determination of its length and radius?
I thought in using the Hough transform for the last step, but that "curve" is not constant as well it has not a known shape.
Thank you very much in advance,
Image Analyst
on 11 Feb 2015
Start your own question so we do not keep bugging filza with emails. Be sure to attach your image. You can probably use the circularity to filter out blobs based on shape. We'll discuss that in your new question you're going to post.
Ana Alves
on 12 Feb 2015
As suggested I created a new post entitled: 'Edge detector and Hough transform'. An image for example was also added as attachment.
Thank you very much in advance!
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