How can I detect end of lines in a output string of a dos command?

13 views (last 30 days)
I execute e.g.:
>> [status, cmdout] = dos(['tracert']);
>> cmdout
When I copy the output of the Matlab command window and paste it into Notepad++, I see a CR and LF at the end of each line. Finding these with strfind does not return what I expect:
>> strfind(cmdout,'\r\f')
ans =
How can I divide the cmdout string into individual lines?

Accepted Answer

Friedrich on 20 Jan 2014
Edited: Friedrich on 20 Jan 2014
lines = regexp(cmdout,'\n','split')
lines = textscan(cmdout,'%s','delimiter','\n')
However you will get a few empty lines because of the way the cmdout is generated. Sometimes you have two newline indicators before an actual line. But this should help get started.
  1 Comment
Andy on 20 Jan 2014
This works fine for my purpose. Thanks a lot!
As the output to dos commands differs structurally from computer to computer and also depending on the result, having the answer by line really helps for searching the required information.

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More Answers (1)

Amit on 20 Jan 2014
Edited: Amit on 20 Jan 2014
CR and FR are carriage return and line feed. Most of the notepad type application do not show it.
The reason strfind does not find it because its not there. Have you tried pasting it in a different word processor like windows native wordpad or notepad?

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