Hi, I have a simulink model containing some algebraic loops.Input to the system is sine wave. When Sample time of this sine wave is 0(by default), simulation runs but I don't get the desired result, So I tried reducing it to 0.001 and when I did that, I got following error-
Simulink cannot solve the algebraic loop containing 'model/Sum' at time 0.001 using the TrustRegion-based algorithm due to one of the following reasons: the model is ill-defined i.e., the system equations do not have a solution; or the nonlinear equation solver failed to converge due to numerical issues. To rule out solver convergence as the cause of this error, either a) switch to LineSearch-based algorithm using set_param('model','AlgebraicLoopSolver','LineSearch') b) reducing the ode45 solver RelTol parameter so that the solver takes smaller time steps. If the error persists in spite of the above changes, then the model is likely ill-defined and requires modification.
What does this mean? and how to get rid of this? Thanks